Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
Diagnosis in Child Psychopathology
Conclusion is a significant instrument in the clinical calling and it is utilized in an expansive range of settings. In brain research, determination goes before treatment and the board of mental issue. The American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders has been giving rules to making conclusions of different mental issue (Lloyd-Richardson 3; Muehlenkamp and Gutierrez 62).Advertising We will compose a custom research project test on Diagnosis in Child Psychopathology explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More The most recent version is DSM-V, which has made extraordinary enhancements in upgrading the determination of youngsters and mental issue that influence teenagers. The recently distributed release of DSM made significant reports on the turmoil measures such that better arrangements with the encounters and side effects of kids. Rather than isolating youth issue, it exhibits how they can grow further throughout everyday life and influence the formative continuum. Regardless, a few youngsters and youthful issue have not been caught in the new release manual. Allowed to be in the advisory group for another version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, I would incorporate non-self-destructive self-injury (NSSI) as another youngster/pre-adult issue. The basis for my conclusion would be that NSSI is a character issue that influences youths and youthful grown-ups. This method of reasoning depends on the ongoing increment of this issue in numerous youths and the absence of determination models for use by emotional wellness professionals. New Child/Adolescent Diagnosis Non-self-destructive self-injury could be named as a demonstration of making wounds oneself, which isn't planned to prompt demise. Around 33% of young people in the United States is said to have occupied with non-self-destructive self-injury (Lloyd-Richardson 4). This is a typical issue that makes people in the youth stage to display self-hurting characteristics. NSSI is portrayed by cutting or copying oneself, hitting, squeezing, slamming or punching dividers and different items. In this manner, it has been found to actuate torment, break bones, ingest harmful substances, and meddle with the recuperating of wounds (Lloyd-Richardson 3).Advertising Looking for research project on brain science? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Patients with NSSI report feeling insignificant or no agony when doing these self-hurting practices. Patients likewise report that oneself hurting conduct gets addictive and the individual can't control or stop their driving forces for self-hurt. The accompanying attributes ought to be the premise of finding of NSSI in youths (Muehlenkamp and Gutierrez 64): Depression Anxiety Eating issue Substance use issue Elevated paces of enthusiastic reactivity, force and hyperarousal Increased evasion conduct Decreased passion ate expressivity Scars brought about without anyone else hurting conduct Other related issue are the accompanying: Developmental incapacities Eating issue Borderline character issue Adolescents with NSSI are probably going to report being tormented by their companions, encountering disarray with their sexual personality, experiencing worry inside their social condition, for example, in the family or at school. Factors, for example, family clashes, youngster attack, and medication and substance misuse could prompt NSSI cases. Hence, it is significant for guardians or potentially gatekeepers to evaluate their kids to guarantee that they are not presented to circumstances that could bring about self-hurt. Case Description Lauren is a 16-year-old young lady who was explicitly mishandled by her uncle when she was 10. She was reluctant to tell anybody of the experience, however her mom, Kimberly, found that her little girl was strolling in an amusing manner and had gotten pulled back. She asked Lauren what was happening and she informed her regarding what her uncle had done to her. Her mom took her to clinic promptly and announced the case to the police. The culprit was charged and imprisoned for a long time. Lauren experienced treatment and accomplished full recovery.Advertising We will compose a custom research paper test on Diagnosis in Child Psychopathology explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More However, her abuser was as of late discharged as a result of good conduct and Lauren saw it on the news. Subsequently, she has been pulled back and likes to be secured up her room upstairs for extended periods. Her mom saw that she wears long sleeved garments as of late and one time she saw a few injuries on her wrist. This incited her to bring Lauren in for treatment. During the meeting, Lauren is peaceful and pulled back. She isn't eager to impart her encounters to me. At the point when I inquire as to whether she has successfully hurt herself, she seem s cautious. After a few endeavors and getting Lauren to come alone to meetings, she opens up about the maltreatment. Her mom is a solitary parent. They live in a rural neighborhood and she is anxious about the possibility that that if her uncle would assault her once more, her mom would not have the option to safeguard her. Lauren says that she has been encountering alarm assaults, particularly when she is separated from everyone else in the house. She portrays it as a loss of motion where she can't move, sweats bountifully and feels like she is having a respiratory failure. She has likewise had rest troubles since she has bad dreams and flashbacks of her assault difficulty. She says that slitting her wrists quiets her down and causes her to overlook her feelings of dread. My finding is post-horrendous pressure issue and non-self-destructive self-injury. Post-awful confusion is activated due to her perpetrator’s discharge from jail, which has been a token of the first impact. This can be gathered from the patient’s alarm assaults, bad dreams and sleep deprivation. Non-self-destructive self-injury has been the patient’s instrument for managing PTSD. Cutting herself expels her from the circumstance and encourages her to recollect that she is as yet alive. My suggested treatment is injury centered intellectual social treatment, joined with family treatment for PTSD and giving elective techniques to adapting to worry as a treatment for NSSI. I will likewise urge Lauren’s mother to make a report to the police of any endeavors by the culprit to see Lauren again or any dangers. She ought to likewise give Lauren a conviction that all is good by guaranteeing that she has a sense of security inside their home and in school. I will urge Lauren to take self-preservation classes with the goal that she has a sense of safety and in charge if there should be an occurrence of an attack.Advertising Searching for research project on brain research? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More Article Analysis I decided to break down the article on ‘Diagnosing an inappropriate Deficit’ dependent on the two ideas of the need to deliberately inspect formative history and to ‘look for a pony not a zebra when you hear the foot beat’ (Thakkar standard. 1). In the article, the writer portrays a patient who came to him to affirm on the off chance that he had consideration lack hyperactivity issue (Thakkar standard. 2). He had the ordinary side effects of the confusion, including hesitation, neglect, an inclination to lose things and the powerlessness to focus reliably. Be that as it may, the patient’s case was an infringement of one significant model of A.D.H.D, which is the side effects. The patient’s side effects dated back to the day when his activity expected him to wake up at five in the first part of the day. Be that as it may, he was an evening person. The advisor determined him to have rest issue and the patient made a full recupera tion (Thakkar standard. 7). This was a troublesome condition to analyze, however the experience of the specialist helped him to make the correct conclusion. From this case, the significance of looking at the formative history of a patient is seen. Truth be told, all therapists situated in learning organizations ought to consistently target building up formative chronicles of their customers so as to show up at the correct judgments. It very well may be built up that, if the specialist had neglected to contemplate the patient’s formative history, he was unable to have seen that the most significant model for conclusion of A.D.H.D was not met. Therefore, the advisor could have made a misdiagnosis, which could have prompted the absence of the patient’s recuperation. Treating an inappropriate issue may cause disappointment in both the patient and advisor and may even prompt the advancement of different issue. Another exercise can be learned on the need to ‘look for a pony not a zebra when you hear the foot beat’ (Thakkar standard. 12). It is significant not to make a finding dependent on likelihood. Once in a while, one may make an analysis in light of the fact that the patient had a few side effects that coordinated a given ailment or turmoil. For this situation, if the specialist had put together his analysis with respect to likelihood, he could have made a misdiagnosis of rest issue. It is additionally critical to investigate every single plausible determination in detail before making an end, however as a rule, the least difficult analysis is typically the right one. In the event that the specialist had over broke down the manifestations searching for the ‘zebra’, he could have misdiagnosed the patient. Works Cited Lloyd-Richardson, Elizabeth E. â€Å"Non-Suicidal Self-Injury in Adolescents.†Preventionâ researcher 17.1 (2010): 3-7. Print. Muehlenkamp, Jennifer J., and Peter M. Gutierrez. â€Å"Risk for self des truction endeavors among teenagers who take part in non-self-destructive self-injury.†Archives of Suicide Research 11.1 (2007): 69-82. Print. Thakkar, Vatsal G. Diagnosing an inappropriate shortage. 2013. Web. an inappropriate deficit.html?_r=0 This research paper on Diagnosis in Child Psychopathology was composed and put together by client Guillermo Larson to help you with your own studi
Sunday, July 12, 2020
Learning Theory and Phobias
Learning Theory and Phobias Phobias Causes Print Learning Theory and Phobias By Lisa Fritscher Lisa Fritscher is a freelance writer and editor with a deep interest in phobias and other mental health topics. Learn about our editorial policy Lisa Fritscher Updated on February 21, 2020 SDI Productions/Getty Images More in Phobias Causes Symptoms and Diagnosis Treatment Types Learning theory is a broad term that includes multiple theories of behavior that are based on the learning process. Learning theory is rooted in the work of Ivan Pavlov, who was able to train dogs to salivate at the sound of a bell. Many treatments for phobias are based on these learning theories. Behaviorism Behaviorism is a learning theory that tries to explain human behavior and responses in terms of learned behaviors. This thought originated with Ivan Pavlov and his theory known as classical conditioning. The dogs’ salivation was an automatic response to the presence of meat. By pairing the presentation of the meat with the ringing of a bell, Pavlov was able to condition the dogs to respond to a new stimulus (the bell). Eventually, the dogs salivated when they heard the bell, even when the meat was not present. B.F. Skinner elaborated on Pavlov’s theory. His work introduced operant conditioning. In operant conditioning, behavior that is reinforced continues, while behavior that is punished or not reinforced is eventually stopped. Both reinforcement and punishment can be either negative or positive, depending on whether a positive or negative reward is being given or taken away. Today, reinforcement is seen as more effective than punishment in changing behavior. In terms of phobia treatment, behavioral strategies might involve forming new, more positive associations with feared objects or situations. For example, a person might practice relaxation techniques when they are exposed to what they fear. Eventually, the association with the relaxation response may replace the anxiety response. Cognitive Theory Cognitive theory focuses on an individuals thoughts as a crucial determinate of his or her emotions and behaviors. Our responses make sense within our own view of the world. Therefore, according to cognitive theory, it is important to change a person’s thoughts and beliefs in order to change his or her behaviors. Information processing is how this mental process is commonly described with reference to phobias. According to cognitive theory, irrational responses are the result of automatic thoughts and erroneous beliefs. Cognitive reframing is a technique that is used to help the client examine his or beliefs and develop healthier ways of viewing the situation. Techniques such as thought stopping are used to help the individual stop automatic thoughts and replace them with new thoughts. Social Cognitive Theory Social cognitive theory is a variation on cognitive theory that addresses the effects that others have on our behavior. According to the principles of social cognitive theory, people learn not only through their own experiences but also by watching others. Whether or not people act on what they have learned depends on many factors, including how strongly they identify with the model, their perception of the consequences of the behavior, and their beliefs about their own ability to change old patterns. Social cognitive theory may help to explain the origin of many phobias. It can also be used to help treat phobias. A common technique is for the therapist to model a new behavior before asking the individual to perform it. Cognitive-Behaviorism Cognitive-behavioral theory is a blended theory that incorporates both cognitive and behavioral elements. According to cognitive-behaviorism, our responses are based on a complex interaction between thoughts and behaviors, with thoughts and feelings playing a major role in our behavior. Modern cognitive-behaviorism also incorporates elements of feeling-based learning theories, such as rational-emotive theory. According to these principles, we are complex human beings whose responses are based on ongoing interactions between our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It is necessary to address all of these components in order to successfully change our reactions. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is currently the most popular method of therapy for treating phobias. This is a type of brief therapy in which successful results may sometimes be achieved in only a few sessions. This is important to many people whose health insurance plans may limit the number of visits they can make to a therapist per year. Which Learning Theory Is Most Popular for Addressing Phobias? As noted above, the most popular therapy for treating phobias at the current time is the blended theory of cognitive behavior therapy. This theory addresses the complex thoughts and feelings which interact to determine a particular behavior. This approach, as noted, is likely also the most rapid approach to addressing phobias, something important not only due to health care costs but in helping people cope with these sometimes difficult to treat concerns.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Livestrong As A Genre On Commercial - 1165 Words
Livestrong as a Genre Student Name University Affiliation Course Code Date Livestrong as a Genre Am choosing a genre on commercial known as Livestrong for my analysis. Am concentrating on a commercial video of Livestrong and taking into consideration all its unparalleled features. Livestrong has a video page on YouTube for the sole reason to unite and link with other members of the society who make use of social media platforms. Form bases for promoting charity work and at the same time demonstrate how strong and powerful coming together for one united course in helping cancer patients can be. In these regards, I have a great interest in analysing Livestrong as a genre because I have been exposed to pain and agony cancer victims go through†¦show more content†¦In fact, the voices in the video are of cancer survivors using the using Livestrong foundation commercial to motivate cancer patients by telling them they will emerge from the killer disease (Rechis, Ellen and Stephanie, 76). Livestrong has a link where a user interested in viewing the image can use to access the video. Livestrong video is created with the most appealing visuals to attract more viewers. The visual and artistic of the Livestrong video page is the secret that draws viewers in a platform where there is combination of bright and images of high quality since an individuals have a higher chance of being attracted. Further, carry out an in-depth analysis pertaining the vision and start following as compared to situation when the color is less enticing. Livestrong idea behind creating good interesting images in the video is to get followers in aesthetically pleasing page to promote the campaign for fighting cancer together. By joining hands and bravery speaking about the killer menace. All genres have rhetorical strategies put in place and therefore the commercial on Livestrong foundation is one of them. Pathos pull emotions by using both images and alluring color scheme. When a video looks bright and people in it appear pleased, it automatically makes whoever is viewing it happy. In addition, many slogans relate to how people in the page are determined to achieve the cause of what they started, the
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Sexual Repression And Its Effects On Society - 852 Words
Advertising is everywhere. Advertisements follow us at every location and manipulate our minds to believe the product is more reliable, trustworthy, irresistible, and even sensual. In recent decades advertisements have progressively become more erotic and have appealed more to our natural desires for relationships than to the need for the product itself. It is not uncommon to see a perfume advertisement with a naked woman holding her breasts, a denim commercial with a man and woman making love, or a fast food ad with young women prancing around in small bikinis. Despite this outward media on sex, society runs into the contradiction of sexual repression. With the increase of pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases among teens, many people are quick to blame the media for the â€Å"forbidden†acts that are taking places. However, as we observe the morals and practices of sexual repression it reveals the possibility that the contradiction between both events cause more harm t o our culture. The contradiction between sex in the media and repression in society is making teenagers more susceptible to sexual confusion, unplanned teenage pregnancies, and sexually transmitted diseases. In order to reduce the damaging outcomes that are caused by media and abstinence programs, schools should incorporate more sexual education programs and promote contraceptive. Advertising companies should also get their minds out of the gutter and decrease the amount of sexual advertisements that areShow MoreRelatedHow Does Foucault s Freud s Repression Hypothesis?1620 Words  | 7 PagesHow does Foucault rebut Freud’s repression hypothesis? In the history of philosophy, many philosophers discuss the repression, however Freud’s and Foucault’s repression hypothesis are widely remains under the debate. 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Analysis of Cloud Computing Security
Question: Discuss about the Importance of Cloud Computing. Answer: Introduction The research is about the cloud computing where the model is related to the shared pools of configurable resources like the computer networks, servers and the storages. This has been provisioned with the minimised management where the users and the enterprise works with the computing capabilities to store and process the data in the privately-owned cloud. This advocates the cloud computing to avoid any minimisation with the up-front IT infrastructure costs. The focus is also on the core business rather than expending resources on the different computing infrastructure and maintenance. (Hwang, 2017). The computing is also based on avoiding or minimising the up-front IT infrastructure cost which includes the cloud enable organisations to focus on the core business rather than expending the resources on the computer infrastructure. Project Overview The project is based security of cloud computing, where the review is about the technologies dealing mainly with the security threats. This works on the standards of the cloud deployment models and the other research methodologies. The cloud computing allows the enterprise with the high capacity networks, low cost computers and the storage devices which are set to take hold of the service oriented architecture and the utility computing. The cloud computing works on the enabling of technology through virtualisation which includes the physical computing device in the virtual device setup. This is set to handle the cloud deployment models and the research methodology of the cloud security. (Almorsy et al., 2016). Problem Overview The overview is about the cloud computing security issues which are related to providing the security of the system and the architectural development. The cloud computing is also for handling the data transfer or the information where there is a chance of the security risk or the threat. The cloud computing includes the leverage of the utility computing with providing metrics for the different services which are used. The measured services are important for the feedback loop and the automatic computing. The cloud computing is important for the grid computing which includes the evolvement by the quality of service and the reliability problems. Research Issues The cloud computing has been defined for the computing patterns where the criteria is related to work on the emails and the database (Rittinghouse et al., 2016).. Here, the forms are set to access the internet connectivity with the utilisation to shift or move the data through the utmost security. The technique is mainly based utilisation or moving of the data through the security so that there is no loophole. The benefits related to this is that there is no need of the payment for the infrastructure or the installation. The designing is based on the different aspects where the architecture is set to take hold of the cloud delivery models and the delivery in the different software services. The cloud computing is important for the different computing elements where the architecture of cloud deployment is based on working over the IDS (Intrusion Detection System) which is one of the best solution for the detection of DDoS attack. Related work The research is based on the storage of services and then working over the storage of data or information which is not up to the mark. The weak storage is found to be crashed and there are issues related to the loss of data or information. Hence, for this, there are different approaches which are related to the security of the data systems and the other cloud networks. It includes the encryption and the decryption of the algorithms mainly to convert the confidential message into the cipher text (Yadav et al., 2016). The analysis is also based on working over the encryption where the sender tends to send the data in the encrypted form. Here, the specific forms of the data are encoded before it is uploaded to the cloud server. Solutions The cloud computing poses the privacy concerns which are related to policy and legislation where the end users choices are for the data and how it is stored. The users can easily encrypt the data which is processed or stored in the cloud to prevent any form of the authenticated access. The shared technology vulnerabilities and the multi-tenancy and virtualisation are main technologies for detecting the security issues in the cloud computing (Botta et al., 2016). The organised models are set with allowing the different tenants to be in the specific machines. The virtualisation works on the security threats where the significant threat is the breaching of data. It includes the evaluation which is based on working over the different types of the data and applications that are on the platform with no security boundaries or any form of the infrastructure changes. Conclusion As per the literature review above, it has been seen that the cloud computing is important for the providers to decide on the management policies and the deployment. The cloud users are limited to the control and the management of the applications which include the data caps and the other cloud users by allocating the bandwidth for the customers (Dave et al., 2016). The privacy and confidentiality are important and major concerns and for this there is a need to focus on creating the in-house IT infrastructure that support the average workload and the use of cloud resources. The recommendations related to this are: The IDS are important for the cloud platforms where the encryption algorithm is considered important for the different cloud services. There is a need to focus on the specific cloud security managers with the check-up on the different cloud platforms as well. The use of the distributed cloud computing with the public resource computing helps in building and making use of the volunteered resources. This is important for the setup of the ad-hoc clouds. References Almorsy, M., Grundy, J., Mller, I. (2016). An analysis of the cloud computing security problem.arXiv preprint arXiv:1609.01107. Botta, A., De Donato, W., Persico, V., Pescap, A. (2016). Integration of cloud computing and internet of things: a survey.Future Generation Computer Systems,56, 684-700. Dave, A., Patel, B., Bhatt, G. (2016, October). Load balancing in cloud computing using optimization techniques: A study. InCommunication and Electronics Systems (ICCES), International Conference on(pp. 1-6). IEEE. Hwang, K. (2017).Cloud and Cognitive Computing: Principles, Architecture, Programming. MIT Press. Rittinghouse, J. W., Ransome, J. F. (2016).Cloud computing: implementation, management, and security. CRC press. Yadav, D. S., Doke, K. (2016). Mobile Cloud Computing Issues and Solution Framework.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Modern Manifestation of Buddhism free essay sample
Buddhist practices have flourished throughout Asia for thousands of years. These practices didnt reach the Western culture until the late 19th century. However, over the past decade Buddhist teachings seemed to have an attraction within our rapidly changing culture. Unlike many religions, which focus only within their institutions, the Buddhist focus point is to achieve inner peace within ones self, in which can have a profound rippling effect. The manifestation of Buddhism throughout the western culture has slowly been increasing and has become more accepted within ur political society. In order to fully understand this manifestation, one must first understand Buddhism and where it came from. Buddhism began about 2,500 years ago in India when Siddhartha Gautama, a wealthy prince, became dissatisfied with his lavish lifestyle ( in class). Siddhartha left behind his wife and children to set out on a path to find the true virtues of life. In leaving his kingdom he cut off his hair and renounced the selfish lifestyle that he once led. We will write a custom essay sample on Modern Manifestation of Buddhism or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Upon his Journey, Gautama saw sickness, old age, and death. He couldnt understand how there could be happiness in world that was filled with suffering. Within his search, he survived off a very limited diet, only eating roots and berries (in class). He grew even more dissatisfied when he realized that, Neither my life of luxury in the palace nor my life as an ascetic in the forest is the way to freedom. As his impatience started to grow, he told himself that he would sit under a tree and would not walk away until he was free from suffering. Siddhartha fell into a deep meditation, in which he met copious amounts of evil that tried to lure him away from reaching his goal. As the struggle subsided, he was free from suffering and gained supreme wisdom. It was this moment that he was known as Buddha. Upon his enlightenment, the Buddha and his followers spent the next forty-five years spreading Dharma, his teachings. Social class played no role in the path that the Buddha sought out to pave. His acceptance among all economic classes represents the amount of compassion that he had for every sentient being. He understood all of the hardships that everyone faced because he dealt with their true emotions. The Buddha stressed to not believe in his teachings Just on blind faith. He encouraged his followers to meditate as well, for that is the only way for one to evelop their true virtue. Buddhism has been labeled as a religion, which is quite untrue. To an outsider it may seem that the Buddha is seen as a religious icon. However, for those who partake in meditative practices, the Buddha is viewed as a mental reinforcement and support. Buddhists dont believe in supernatural spirits unlike every other religion etc. (Christianity, Judaism, and Islam). The Buddha stressed that everyone needs support to make sure that they stay on the right path. Before the Buddha died, he encouraged his followers to continue to support the novice beginners, because life is ull of illusions; if not guided in the right direction they could lose the wisdom that any teacher, parent, or coach. Within the basic teachings of Buddhism, it is understood that the universe is consistently changing, which history proves to be true. New ideas are born, and then eventually die off. For example, fashion, because its constantly changing. Karma is one of the universal truths that explains life as a result of cause and effect. Basically, if you do good things, then good things will happen to you. If you do evil things then bad things will happen. Ones thoughts and actions will determine how the future plays out. Within Buddhism it is explained that ignorance, attachment, and aversion are the reasons for suffering (Rinpoche P. 1 17). Ignorance is the inability to see things for how they truly are. When perceptions are distorted, it causes disillusionment and makes one unable to recognize the infinite potential within the human mind. Attachment is described as the perception of self and other. Attachment is an addictive trait that causes a compulsive dependency on external objects or experiences to generate an illusion of wholeness (Rinpoche P. 18). Aversion is the strong attachment one generates towards someone or something. To many this causes a sense of satisfaction and happiness once one has achieved their goal. Unfortunately, this attachment will cause an equally powerful fear if one fails get what they want or lose what they have gained. Changes are inevitable, by trying to go against change will not only cause one to suffer but, it will hinder the infinite potential of happiness. Naturally, it is genetically within humans to differentiate self and other. This genetic is very similar to the reptilian gene, which is living Just to survive. When surviving is the only thing that matters, others are viewed as enemies, or as obstacles that may refrain one from achieving happiness (Rinpoche P. 105). Unfortunately, by feeding the ego, it causes a conflict of interest because we live in a world that depends on others. For example, food, gas, clothes, or any kind of provided service. This often complicates the relationship with others and ones self. In Buddhism it is understood that happiness is best when shared. One way to override the ego is developing a sense of compassion for ones self and for others. Compassion is much ifferent from the ordinary sense, which means feeling sorry for others. But in Tibetan terms, compassion represents the spontaneous feeling of a connection with all sentient things. Once one has realized, that Just like them, everyone wants to achieve peace and avoid suffering. Instead of seeing a particular individual as an enemy, one can see them in a different light, simply by realizing that he/she is Just trying to free themselves from suffering. Compassion is the recognition that everyone and everything is simply a reflection of everyone and everything (Rinpoche p. 174). Over the past few decades, anxiety has been a main health issue for Americans. Many have disputed on the causes of this mental affliction, whether its the economy, poor health, pressure at Jobs, or even stress within the household. More than 18 percent of American adults are suffering from an anxiety disorder, which makes the United States the most anxious country in the world (Clark). Robert Leahy, a psychologist, said that the average high school kid today has the same level of anxiety as the average psychiatric patient in the early 1950s. Many ask well why is this? America, to many outsiders, is viewed as a land of opportunity and yet countries, such as Nigeria, that they are up to 5 times less likely to show significant signs of anxiety than Americans (Clark). It seems as though Americans are being forced to become more independent. This goes back to the ego state of mind, separating self and other. When one alienates ones self to protect their own interests, they miss the element of in-person connection (Clark). From the day a child is born, the child needs to receive affection. It has been shown in the past that if a new born was Just given food and shelter, he/she simply wouldnt survive or they ould have serious social problems as that child reached adulthood. As time progresses, new technology will arise and material objects will continue to play a huge role for many Americans. It is important to understand that one wants to free oneself from the sufferings from stress and anxiety, one needs to create some sort of a balance. Some may argue the fact that medication can help treat these sufferings but, in fact they do quite the opposite. Yes, it provides immediate results, but as time progresses, that particular person will build up a tolerance to the drug. Once this happens, many choose to increase the amount of dosage. This was cause many health risks physically and mentally. Physically, these drugs will wear down the stomach lining, which can cause ulcers and the breakdown of ones liver. Mentally, one will become extremely dependent on this drug, causing the anxiety/stress levels to increase even higher than before ever taking the medication. Though medications may help some, it makes many extremely dependent on a drug, which causes a fear that if he/she is not on the medication then they cant cope or deal with everyday situations. The point that is being made here, is that by dealing with ones stress in a ognitive and logical way, it enables one to cope with their problems rather than running away from them. Facing fear is the only way to relieve it. Mediation is great way to become in touch with themselves and reality. Much of the western culture is a melting pot, a mixture of many ethnicities and religions. Due to the increase in technology, it has made it easier for most of the population to develop a well-educated opinion on religion, politics, and health. Many of the Buddhists meditative practices have eased their way into the western culture because it doesnt matter whether one is religious or not. Many psychologists have adopted mediation as a practice that they use on their patients. Meditation has immense side effects Just on a physiological level. The Transcendental meditation is a technique used to reduce stress and strengthen the communication between the prefrontal cortex and other areas in the brain (tm. org). When one becomes at ease within the natural state of their mind a sense of openness is brought about. For many, compassion for one another grows tremendously which can enable a very stable life and work environment. Meditation is a way to self-regulate ones self and iscover the inner workings within the mind. There are many different methods in meditating but, the main ones are Right Mindfulness, Right Concentration, and Right View. Each of these types helps generate new neurological activity within the brain, which can cause tremendous health benefits. Sara Lazar, a psychologist at Harvard University conducted a study that compared the brain activity between those who meditate and those who dont (YudhiJit). Within her study she used magnetic resonance imaging scans to monitor the brain activity between both groups. Her senses, were thicker in the subjects who practiced meditation. Lazar said, The differences in the thickness were pronounced in older subjects, suggesting that regular practice of meditation might reduce normal age-related thinning of the brain (YudhiJit). Stress and anxiety have become the nations modern epidemic. The United States spends more than $300 billion per year on trying to fix the anxiety and stress levels that are amongst many Americans (Clark). Mediation seems to be the perfect solution. The results are realistically astonishing. Why realistic? Because when meditating your not chasing a particular feeling, unlike many medications. When one is able understand how the mind works and how it reacts in certain situations, it makes it much easier to cope with everyday problems. The reliance on materialistic objects never seems to satisfy the sense of wholeness that everyone is longing for. The best part about meditation, if practiced regularly, many seem to find that the sense of wholeness that he/she has been longing for has been their the whole time. Instead of complaining about the things he/she doesnt have, one is able to see all of the wonderful aspects that they do have. The sense of clarity is a more riceless asset than any iPod, computer, or television. Being able to expect the good and the bad is part of accepting ones fears, anxiety, or stress. Stress and anxiety is only the bodies reaction to how the mind perceives a situation. For example, lets say two people get into an altercation and started a argument. The only reason that they are fghting is because the other individual poses as a threat, maybe due to his actions or something that he/she had said. Now what if they both spoke two completely different languages, would they still have gotten into a fght?
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Health promotion Essays
Health promotion Essays Health promotion Paper Health promotion Paper The issue of evidence in health promotion is debatable because there is need for any health promoter to carry out the promotion exercise in a way aimed at attracting more customers and at the same time the promoters should come up with a way of explaining the decisions they make. Most of the issues that are supposed to be taken as facts in the health care sector are always neglected. The issue of evidence in health promotion is debatable due to the fact that most of the health experts view health as a situation where there is no morbidity and mortality and these leads them to concentrate on causes and treatment for diseases only. The research that is normally carried out in the health sector mostly focuses on how human beings are exposed to the disease causing agents and how these individuals respond to different kinds of treatments. There is a need for evidence in the health promotion because the research carried out for the purpose of promotion in health is absolutely experimental and therefore cannot be reliable (Dennis, 2000). 2)     According to Raphael the health promoters should consider phrasing the current health promotion facts in another different way so as to turn the focus of some of the promotion facts on the affected individuals or organizations instead of putting the whole blame on the medical effects arising due to exposure to disease causing agents. The other issue is how different people view the determinants of health; some people think that they can be controlled by the individuals because they are part of the lifestyle of the individual while other people view the determinants of health to be beyond the human control since they are very structural. Ideology has also been seen as a major influence to level of acceptance of the evidence (Louse et al) 3)     Principles are either functional or ideological and the health principles include; health policies, empowerment, redirecting health services, equity and health. Other organizations have defined these principles as respect, sharing resources, participation and the environment (Don, 1998).  There are differing values of health promotion principles hence values underlying the health promotion activities need to be made explicit even for the most neglected health promotion. For there to be evidence from the principles, ideology, values and data there has to be an interaction that considers the benefits the members of the community gain. The law, the code of practice respect and creation of autonomy should also be taken care of in the interaction. Health promoters need to assess the local needs of the community, come up with programs designed at the local level and carry out an evaluation of the local activities. These will have an implication on evaluation and planning in that the information needed to carry out the exercise is not always available. The other implication is that it would show the involvement of the community in health promotion exercise. Health promotion evidence needs to be evaluated with respect to the real criterion that is associated with the type of the knowledge (Wills and Naidoo, 1998). WORD COUNT: 514 Words REFERENCE LIST Dennis Raphael, 2000,the question of evidence in health promotion, Health promotion  international, Vol. 15, No. 4, pp.2-11 Louise Potvin, Slim Haddad and Katherine L. Frohlich, (2001), beyond process and      outcome evaluation: a comprehensive approach for evaluating health promotion  programs. Pp.85-103 Available online URL: , retrieved on 22/6/2009 12:15 Don Nutbeam, (1998), evaluating health promotion-progress, problems and solutions,    health promotion international, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp.28-34 Wills, J and Naidoo, J. (1998), Effectiveness and evidence based practice in health        promotion, Balliere-Tindall, London, pp.49-52
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Returning Canadian Residents Bringing Alcohol into Canada
Returning Canadian Residents Bringing Alcohol into Canada There are some very specific rules and regulations about bringing duty-free alcohol back into Canada from another country. Not only will you need to be aware of the type and quantity of alcohol, but you also need to know when the alcohol was purchased during your trip. Personal Exemptions Based on How Long You Have Been Outside the Country If you’ve been gone less than 24 hours there are no personal exemptions.If you’ve been gone 24 hours or more you can claim goods up to CAN$200 without paying duty and taxes. Unfortunately, alcoholic beverages are not included in this amount.If you’ve been gone for 48 hours or more, you can claim goods up to CAN$800 without paying duty and taxes. Some alcoholic beverages are included in this exemption. You must have the goods with you when you enter Canada. Returning Canadian Residents Duty-Free Allowance for Alcohol If you are a Canadian resident or a temporary resident of Canada returning from a trip outside Canada, or a former Canadian resident returning to live in Canada, you are allowed to bring a small quantity of alcohol (wine, liquor, beer or coolers) into the country without having to pay duty or taxes as long as: the alcohol accompanies youyou meet the minimum legal drinking age for the province or territory in which you enter Canadayou have been outside Canada for more than 48 hours. You may bring in one of the following: 1.5 liters (50.7 US ounces) of wine, including wine coolers over 0.5 percent alcohol, or1.14 liters (38.5 US ounces) of liquor, ora total of 1.14 liters (38.5 US ounces) of wine and liquor, or24 x 355 milliliter (12 ounce) cans or bottles of beer or ale, including beer coolers over 0.5 percent alcohol (a maximum of 8.5 liters or 287.4 US ounces). Bringing More Than the Duty-Free Allowance of Alcohol Into Canada Except in the Northwest Territories and Nunavut, returning Canadian residents may bring in more than the personal allowances of liquor listed above as long as you pay customs and province/territory assessments. The amounts you are allowed to bring into Canada are also limited by the province or territory in which you enter Canada. For details on specific amounts and rates, contact the liquor control authority for the appropriate province or territory before you come to Canada. Shipping Alcohol When You Move Back to Canada If you are a former Canadian resident moving back to Canada and you want to ship alcohol to Canada (the contents of your wine cellar for example), contact the liquor control authority for the appropriate province or territory to pay the provincial or territorial fees and assessments in advance. To have your shipment released when you arrive in Canada, you will need to show the receipt for the provincial or territory fees and assessments and you will also need to pay the applicable federal customs assessments. Customs Contact Information If you have questions or require more information on bringing alcohol into Canada, please contact the Canada Borders Services Agency.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Biomedicine Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Biomedicine - Essay Example Source The basic underlying principle of the health care system is to treat disease on the basis of diagnoses arrived at by using symptoms and investigations. However, the effectiveness of treatment based on this rationale has been questioned. This process, which often overlooks patients' specific environments, everyday experiences, social conditions and the external environment, has been reviewed with a different angle. During the last few decades, there has been much criticism associated with this rationale. A number of 'new' concepts have been introduced in the medical discussions, such as illness, health, life quality and function. This has heralded a need for change in the everyday practices of parts of the health care system. This healthcare system that consists of general practitioners, public health personnel, nurses and paramedics has been changing so subtly, that it has not kept pace with the momentum of change in the medical arena made more complex by the population explosion and healthcare issues. This is especially true of the initial diagnostic visits between the patient and the doctor where the primary encounters occur. This is also ripe for change in the preventive health care segment where a lot of earlier sidelined concepts have now started to emerge. Recently, concepts of health and illness have been changing from before. The comprehension of health and illness has been changing due to input fuelled by perspectives from many disciplines. Health has now become a more holistic concept and has benefited by the increasing acknowledgement of other sources like biology, environment, social position, and the role of the mind, culture, spirituality, race, and sex, that influence health and well bein g. These have served to widen the realm of focus on the issues of health and illness. The health care systems are now more of a social model of health and this could explain the reasons for the increasing use of alternative therapies such as homeopathy, natural healing methods, acupuncture etc. Last, but not the least, stress has been accepted to be a major causative factor, and prevention and stress management methods seem to be a great approach to managing health proactively. This creates more focus on prevention than cure and more reasons to treat the causative factors rather than the symptoms of the disease. The main influences that have initiated a need for the reformulation of biomedicine may be attributed to a number of causes, some of which have been discussed as follows. Rising costs of health care are not matched by corresponding gains in population health; in particular health inequalities seem to take an upward trend. (Hallam, 2003) Managed health care has become so commercialised that it has become a luxury rather than basic need to be able to access medical care when essential. Modern investigative medical tests and treatments are expensive, rendering it unaffordable to a lot of people in the society. Individuals are bereft when they are unable to afford the huge insurance premiums, especially, the lower socio economic groups. This results in postponement of a visit to the doctor until really chronic, thereby not only missing opportunities to diagnose serious illnesses earlier than later but adding to the burden of the healthcare system by the extensive treatment that would now be required. Since
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Management Strategies Wal-Mart should undertake for Successful Global Essay
Management Strategies Wal-Mart should undertake for Successful Global Presence - Essay Example Decrease in government restriction resulted in increased opening up of the China retail market. Global retailers such as Wal-Mart took advantage and opened store in China. Though Wal-Mart started as a small, store in Arkansas, it spread rapidly and dominated the retail sector in United States. Wal-Mart’s founder, Walton, believed that discounting was crucial in retail business. He opened stores in neglected areas and sold goods at considerably cheap prices (Glass, 2012). The use of â€Å"Everyday low prices†gave Wal-Mart a competitive advantage over its competitors. Additionally, Wal-Mart developed a strong marketing culture such that it remained popular even when its competitors, Kmart and Woolco, closed down. However, Wal-Mart’s entry into China was not successful. China opened up its market for foreign retailers in 2005, which Wal-Mart saw as a great opportunity. This is because China’s thriving economy provided a great opportunity for profitable retailing. Despite Walton’s insistence on discount prices, Wal-Mart remained less popular in China (Farhoomand & Wang, 2006). One of the main drawback was the resignation of Cassian Chueng, the president of Wal-Mart China, which happened at the time when the entry plan was at the initial stages of implementation. Irrespective of being the world largest retailer, Wal-Mart is ranked at position twenty in China in terms of its sales (Glass, 2012; Wang, & Jha, 2011). One of issues facing Wal-Mart is managements’ refutation of employee’s unionization. Sam Walton opposed formation of union by War-Mart employee’s rights from the initial stages. ... The Wal-Mart employees have attempted to demand for salary increment and they feel that such grievances have not been clearly addressed (Wang, & Jha, 2011). To create a successful global presence and ensure the success of Wal-Mart in meeting its goals and mission, the management must address the issue of Unionization. This issue has been criticized strongly, which could affect Wal-Mart performance. Additionally, the success of any organization greatly depends on the level of satisfaction among the employees. It is thus inevitable that Wal-Mart should consider accommodation unionization to ensure the employees’ grievances are addressed accordingly (Glass, 2012; Farhoomand & Wang, 2006). Another issue that has affected Wal-Mart’s entry into China is their expansion strategy. In United States, Walton preferred opening stores in small towns, which gave Wal-Mart a competitive advantage. However, Chinas economic growth is more rampant in large cities, particularly those along the coastal region. It is thus significant for Wal-Mart to reconsider the positioning of its store in China. Although there are existing barriers such as resistance from China authorities to let Wal-Mart expand in large cities, the management should consider forming venture in such regions (Glass, 2012; Farhoomand & Wang, 2006). An alternative that would enable Wal-Mart to retain cheap prices and expand its operations would be to change their marketing strategies. The US market environment is quite different from that of China. This is mainly due to cultural differences. Wal-Mart should thus consider exposing its employees to Chinese culture to understand the needs of their consumer appropriately. As opposed to US where the
Friday, January 24, 2020
Is the Cause of Terrorism Islam, or Foreign Policy? :: September 11 Terrorism Essays
Was the Cause of September 11 Islam or Foreign Policy? George W. Bush has taken a stand on the true nature of Islam, calling it, for instance, a "religion of peace." As strange as this is to hear from the president of the United States, Bush's declarations have given rise to a good deal of useful public discussion about Islam. Unfortunately, this discussion has too often accepted the confused terms of the president's rhetoric: Is there, or is there not, something wrong in the nature of Islam? Salman Rushdie ("Yes, This is About Islam," New York Times 11/2/01) and Jonathan Ebel ("Territory is Not Mind," Sightings 11/15/01) both make some useful points in the process of taking up the question, but somehow leave standing the president's fundamental misconception that a religion has an essence. Surely it is not fair to say that September 11 is "about" Islam. Violent hatred and intolerance can be adduced in too many corners of the religious world to imagine that it comes, simply, from the doctrines of one holy book or another. At the same time, it is difficult for me to blame Salman Rushdie, especially, for perceiving something within Islam today that is prone to violence. His non-violent, literary attack on Islam was, after all, taken by some Muslims to justify very real threats to his life. And, he marshals some reasonable evidence that many Muslims do believe that Islam is on board with the September 11 terrorists. Still, we ought not to declare that September 11 is "about" Islam, especially if this means that we ignore "foreign policy, humanity, global society, and the just ordering thereof"-- which Ebel says are obviously what September 11 is also "about." Ebel's list implies that a larger, broader causal story needs to be told, rather than simply to say that Islam gave us the horrors of September 11. I agree wholeheartedly. Believing too simplistic a causal story carries both moral and practical flaws. If Islam itself -- or something in its nature -- was the cause of the attacks, we could only prevent further attacks by preventing further Islam. In this way, such a simplistic belief would tend to sanction persecution if not genocide against Muslims. From a practical standpoint, we will have to understand the details of the real, long-term causal story if we wish to minimize the threat of repeated terrorism in America.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Format: Typeface and Science Investigatory Project Essay
Title The title should be able to catch the attention of the reader. It should be concise, descriptive, and self-explanatory. It should indicate clearly what the project is about. The phrase â€Å" A Study to Show†¦Ã¢â‚¬ should be avoided, because in research you do not seek to prove something but rather to impartially find an answer. Background of the Study This presents the reasons that led the investigator to launch the study. A historical background may be given. Or the background of the study may state some observations and other relevant conditions that prompted the investigator to explore them. Some questions to guide you while writing this part of the paper are the following: 1. Why did I select this research project? 2. Are there others who have done similar studies? 3. What have the others done or not done that moved or spurred me to work on this problem? 4. What are my own observations which are relevant to the study? 5. Will the results of the study make any contribution in the attainment of a better quality of life? A. Statement of the Problem This must state what you aimed to accomplish. Whether the problem is stated in the form of a question or a declarative statement, always use brief, precise and accurate statements. The objective should be stated positively and in the declarative form. Define the general objective or main problem and the specific objective(s) or sub-problem(s) you are trying to answer or resolve. State these such that they are definitely and clearly related to the data obtained. B. Significance of the Project State why the study or project is worth making and how it can contribute to you as an individual, to your community and to your country. C. Feasibilty of Research: 1. How much time will the project take? 2. Do you have access to participants, sources, instruments, etc. 3. What are the budgetary considerations? 4. What is the extent of your knowledge and experience in the area?
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
A Sugary Debate - 1096 Words
In 2004, at the age of 49, my uncle was diagnosed with Type-2 diabetes, or late onset diabetes. He had been an unhealthy eater much of his life. At the time of his diagnosis, he weighed two-hundred forty-seven pounds. That may not sound like a lot, but at five-foot two-inches tall, he was ninety pounds heavier than average male of his height should be. Although, possible in the future, he was spared from daily injections of insulin. However, his battle with a new enemy was only beginning. In lecturing him on better eating habits, his doctor indirectly blamed sugary foods such as soda for his weight and overall health. Not knowing any better, my uncle took what he was told as grave warning. For the first time, he was forced to change what†¦show more content†¦The AHA believes people â€Å"now consume twenty-two to thirty teaspoons a day.†They equate that to three-hundred to four hundred seventy-five extra calories a day. Additionally, sugar-sweetened beverages may pro mote diabetes (Liebman). A study by the Journal of American Medicine backs up the American Medical Association’s results. The JAMA found that a â€Å"higher consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages is associated with a greater magnitude of weight gain and an increased risk for development of Type-2 diabetes in women.†The problem with the study is that they only examined soda’s effect on women. That is hardly enough to come to an appropriate conclusion (Schulze). Still, is sugar alone responsible for his diabetes? According to the Food and Drug Administration, the answer is no. In 1988, they concluded that sugar alone â€Å"does not cause diabetes, heart diseases, hypoglycemia, childhood hyperactivity, or nutrient deficiencies.†The American Dietetic Association would echo in 1993 and again in 1998 that same sentiment. They stated that they recognized the FDA’s conclusion concerning the â€Å"appropriate role of sugars in the diet when consumed in moderation.†In 1997, the World Health Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization added their beliefs that there is no direct cause between sugar and diseases such as diabetes. They stated, â€Å"[t]here is no evidence of direct involvement of sucrose,Show MoreRelatedSugary Beverages and Junk Foods are Causing Obesity in Mexico775 Words  | 4 Pages According to Agricultural Organization and UN Food, Mexico’s adult obesity rates are above that of the Uni ted States, with an obesity rate of 32.8% compared to the 31.8%. Junk food and sugary drinks have caused these rate to rise, which makes them negative externalities of consumption, which the private benefits to consumers of a good are greater than the social benefits of its consumption, in other words the good creates spillover costs on a third party. 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Therefore, it hasn’t been a great year for Coca-Cola, Pepsi Co, and Dr. Pepper Snapple due to the public’s concern on the health issues of sugary sodas. The health problems with the sugar content in soft drinks have increased politicalRead MoreThe Debate Over Sugar Tax Essay1475 Words  | 6 PagesThe Debate around Sugar Tax has become pivotal in regard to policies made within the Government. In Robin Grieve’s Article; What would a Sugar Tax Achieve, he identifies the main problem with the sugar tax is that, â€Å"Without knowing wha t rate of tax will be imposed no one can know how consumers will react and what effect it will have on consumption and therefore if it is a good idea or not.†The understanding of the problem comes from a Neo-Liberal perspective, as Grieve supports the idea that nothingRead MoreA Research Study On Food Choices Should Not Be Regulated On A Supplementary, View Point Obesity1067 Words  | 5 Pagessure build sidewalks and trails, changes zoning laws to make outside exercise easier, also requiring primary and secondary schools provide at least 60 minutes of daily physical activities, alone with minimizing a ban on sugary drinks at schools perhaps taxing soda and other sugary beverages. They believe as well a paternalistic view warrants closer examination, particularly on the pitfalls growing use of behavioral economics justifying government intervention forward obesity, often dealing with individualRead MoreJunk Food Should Be Banned In Schools774 Words  | 4 PagesAnother controversial debate has arisen recently and the topic is whether or not junk food should be banned in schools. One side believes that students have the freedom to choose whatever they what to eat. While the other side argues that junk food needs to be replaced by a healthier alternative. There are plenty of different arguments that these sides believes in. For the concern of the health and wellness of the students, schools must completely ban all junk food in school. It has been impliedRead MoreObesity : Obesity And Obesity917 Words  | 4 Pagesstroke, gall bladder disease, fatty liver, arthritis, and joint disorders and some cancers†(1). Therefore, if the people who suffer from obesity do not address the issue, they will likely obtain one, if not more, of these serious health conditions. Sugary drinks, advertising less healthy foods, limited access to healthy affordable foods, and increasing portion sizes, all play a huge role in obesity. However, the question is, does fast food play a big role in America’s obesity problem? Fast food is
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