Monday, December 30, 2019
Veterans And Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1306 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/04/15 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Veterans Essay Did you like this example? Mental health is a level of psychological well-being or an absence of mental illness. It is the psychological state of someone who is functioning at a satisfactory level of emotional and behavioral adjustment. Wikipedia When dealing with mental health there are a lot of topics and disorders like, post-traumatic stress, anxiety, depression, and suicide just to name a few. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Veterans And Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder" essay for you Create order Mental health disorders or mental illness are A wide range of conditions that affect mood, thinking, and behavior. Anybody can experience any of this mental illness even people that are within the military. Soldiers and veterans arent given the proper resources to help them with their mental health. Post-traumatic stress disorder also known as PTSD is one of many health conditions that occurs when a person has experienced or witnessed something horrific. PTSD can be caused by anything that deals with trauma which can include sexual or physical assault, natural disasters, or even just military combat. PTSD has been talked about for years now, the first case goes back to the Greeks and then within the American Civil War, PTSD was more noticeable than ever before, the soldiers experienced lots of trauma and ended up having physical and emotional injuries. According to Reisman (2016), The symptoms and syndrome of PTSD became increasingly evident during the American Civil War (1861â€Å"1865), left those who survived with a myriad of physical and psychological injuries. Also the Civil War was the first atempt to start diagonostics and treatment. Reisman (2016) states The Civil War also marked the start of formal medical attempts to address the psychological effects of combat on military veterans. If soliders back then were experincing these conditions and giving sorts of treatments where is the evidence in which these treaments are working and also how is it that the number of suicide rates are still increaseing in veterans. According to the National Center for PTSD, there are 4 symptoms of PTSD. The first one is reliving the moment, which is a flashback of the event that a veteran had experienced. This usually comes from a trigger that reminds a person of what they had gone through. The second type is avoiding things that remind you of the event. In the web document Understanding PTSD and PTSD Treatment, an example was provided for someone who was assaulted should avoid crowded places because being around so many people can feel dangerous. The third symptom is having more negative thoughts and feelings than before. In this case, peoples emotions are low and they dont have the same feelings or interest in certain activities. The last symptom is feeling on edge, which is hyper arousal and that is keeping people jittery. If these symptoms are noticeable something should be put in place that can help people deal with this mental illness. PTSD can affect anybody but I want to talk about how it affects people within the military and also veterans. It is estimated 500,000 of this generation of wounded veterans live with the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Another 320,000 suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI). That is a lot of wounded veterans dealing with both PTSD and TBI. I got hooked on watching this show called Greys Anantomy and on the show we were introudced to a U.S. Army trauma suregeon named Owen Hunt. On the show Dr. Hunt has a secret: he suffers from PTSD. In the episode: Elevator Love Letter, Owen is asleep and he is having nightmares about the war which is triggered by the blades of the ceiling fan going around and around, in that moment he doesnt know that he is choking his girlfreind: Christina Yang which she concludes to Owen that he is suffering from PTSD. Owen then seeks conusling. From watching this show and now writing a paper on PTSD I wonder if veterans take in to conderation t hat what they have can cause serious problems like the one Dr. Hunt went through. I believe that some veterans are scared to seek help or just dont want it or the treatments that they have been provided dont really work. Suicide is an issue that people in this soceity dont really talk about. Fox states from NBC news that Veterans are twice as likely as civilians to die by suicide, the Department of Veterans Affairs said Monday in its latest report on suicide. Veterans make up more than 14 percent of all suicides, although they account for only 8 percent of the total population. Wow this is surprsigly I never knew that the largest portion of people who take their lifes by suicide is the veteran population until reasearching on this topic. With dealing with PTSD in veterans they have different treatments and organizations that can help with this illness, one organization that provides treatment for PTSD is the Wounded Warrior Project which is a charity organization that was designed to help wounded veterans. On their website, they have stated that veterans and service members who incurred a physical or mental injury, illness, or wound while serving in the military on or after September 11, 2001. You are our focus. You are our mission. Here, youre not a member â€Å" youre an alumnus, a valued part of a community thats been where youve been, and understands what you need. Everything we offer is free because theres no dollar value to finding recovery and no limit to what you can achieve. (We Serve Injured Post 9/11 American Veterans Service Members | WWP. (n.d.). Retrieved from I love that this organization values and supports the veterans to come in and seek help from others that have been through the same thing. The wonded warrior project has an outside workshop that is called Project Oddsey. Within the two different proejcts you have All-Male or Female Project Odyssey and Couples Project Odyssey both go through a 90 day program in which to help these veterans challenge theirselves, over come their feers, with partipicating in outside activities while bonding with the project oddsey staff, other veterans and also trained counselors. Once the program is finished the staff follows up for 3 months and still gives support. Does every veteran know about this one program, does your superior tell you about different kinds of treatment and organazation you can check yourself into. While researching I came upon a treatment that might be suprisignt to eveerybody. Studies have been shown that they are now trying to use Ecstasy as a treatment for people with PTSD. Phillips (2018) stated Research published Tuesday in the British journal The Lancet Psychiatry found that after two sessions of psychotherapy with the party drug, officially known as MDMA, a majority of 26 combat veterans and first responders with chronic PTSD who had not been helped by traditional methods saw dramatic decreases in symptoms. If this is possible how would this generation of veterans and past and future ones be affected by this? Would this turn into a drug addiction for them? There are many questions that can come from this and if this treatments is brought into the society who would be resposinble if this gets out of hand. If approved by the F.D.A., MDMA would only be administered by a licensed therapist. First, a patient goes through three sessions of psychotherapy. In the fourth session, the patient takes a pill. Phillips (2018). If the treatments go wrong what happens? Would these veterans have to sign a consent form or anything? Overall soldiers and veterans are most likely given the proper resources to help them with their mental health but it still doesnt matter if the suicide population is increasing. I believe that every veteran should be check if they have a mental illness regardless if they want the help or not. The armed forces mission is to protect and serve right? So is that mission still implied after they have left the forces?
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Analysis Of The Poem The Squire - 2301 Words
In the introduction of The Squire s Tale an unmentioned third party, assumed to be the author, is asking the Squire â€Å"... say something about love, for certainly you/ Know as much about that as any man.†(l. 2-3) The Squire is seen as someone who would know a lot about love due to experience. He is quick to answer, saying â€Å"...but I will speak as I can/ With a hearty will, for I will not rebel†in lines 4-5. In this quote he is saying he knows what he knows and nothing more so he will try his best to stick to his knowledge. In other words, he reiterates in line 7 â€Å"Have me excused if I speak amiss†that he wants you to understand he only knows from his experience about love and can not tell about another’s experience of love. The Squire has†¦show more content†¦The Squire can not describe her beauty in the appropriate speech in every detail that he believes should be used for this occasion. â€Å"In royal vestments sits on his dais,/ With diadem, full noby in his palace,/ And holds his feast so solemn and so rich/ That in this world there was none like it;†(l.59-62) states that King Cambyuskan would hold feast that no one in the city has seen before. He would serve one course at a time, some for these courses might include for example stews, swans, and herons. After the third course was served the King would sit and listens to minstrels play their instruments at his table. All of a sudden in comes a Knight on a steed, with a mirror of glass in hand. The Knight also had a gold ring on his thumb and a naked sword on his side as he approaches the high table. Everyone there stopped to stare at this marvelous Knight that had appeared. As the Knight approached the table he â€Å"Salutes king and queen and all the lords,/ In the order in which they sat in the hall,†in lines 91-92. This one gesture shows how he is respectful to those above him, as well as sets a magnificent first impression. The Knight then began to speak without a single mistake in his pronunciation and his facial expressions stayed true to the tale. The Squire knew he could not imitate his style but said â€Å"Thus much amounts all that ever he meant (to say),/ If it so be that I have it (correctly) in mind.†inShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of My Three Favorite Characters From Chaucer s General Prologue907 Words  | 4 PagesInteresting Characters (An Analysis of my Three Favorite Characters from Chaucer s General Prologue) Chaucer was a writer from the Anglo Saxon Era in which he did many significant things in his short life. He is known to this day as the father of our language as we know it today. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019
How Does Iago Corrup Othello in Shakespear’s Othello Free Essays
Finally, the most effective way Iago poisons Othello’s mind is by changing the appearance of reality. He will cover it up with lies and Othello will be forced to believe him because he will be too submerged in doubt and suspicion to see the truth. In act 3, scene 3, when Cassion parts from Desdemona, Iago makes it appear as if Cassio â€Å"steal away so guilty-like†(Shakespeare, act 3, scene 3) because he did not want to be seen with Desdemona. We will write a custom essay sample on How Does Iago Corrup Othello in Shakespear’s Othello or any similar topic only for you Order Now While it appears really bad from Othello point of view, the reality of it is completely different. Cassio, who has been demoted, wishes to gain back his good will with Othello with Desdemona’s help. Iago tricks Othello by making him believe that every seemingly harmless encounter between Cassio and Desdemona are actually lies and that they are seeing each other behind his back. To the readers of the play it is quite obvious the nature of their encounter but to Othello who judges with eyes clouded by jealousy, he can only see the harm being done. Othello is unable to make a rational decision because he is too deep in madness. Iago has poisoned his mind and ruined his judgement. To further poison Othello’s mind, Iago will set up Cassio and Othello. In act 4, scene 1, while Othello is hidden in the shadows; Iago approaches Cassio and starts a conversation with him. Othello believes the base of the conversation will be about his wife Desdemona because it is what Iago told him he would do: interrogate Cassio about Desdemona. But the reality of it is different. Iago is actually talking to Cassio about Bianca. Othello is caught up in the illusion; he now truly believes that Desdemona is unfaithful towards him. Jealousy clouds one’s mind. Othello in able to see that Iago is playing him; he is too deep in his own illusions to notice that he is being used. Because Othello’s judgement is clouded, Iago is able to make things appear differently. With his rational thinking gone, Othello is incapable of differencing reality from lies. The more he is poison, the more he degrades. His speech deteriorates, he has epileptic attacks and burst into rage. His actions are proof of his mental state. He is turmoil because of what Iago has made him believe, because of what Iago has made him see. Not only does Iago make scenes appear differently, he himself is an example of appearance vs. reality. Trough out the eyes of the other characters in the play, Iago appears â€Å"full of love and honesty†; Othello even says that â€Å"Iago is most honest†. In Criminal Types in Shakespeare, August Goll cites: â€Å"Iago appears to every one as the clever head, the man who knows the world and sees things clearly, who describes things as he sees them without mincing matters-the free-spoken, honest friend bold and rough: for this reason they all seek him in their various difficulties, Desdemona, Cassio, Emilia, Roderigo. (Goll, 218) Iago makes himself appear intentioned to the feeling of others. When they are faced with difficulties he offers them advices. Othello looks to Iago for advice on how to deal with the situation he faces, he asks him to help him in his vengeance. Iago true personality is someone who is egocentric, full of malice. He only thinks about himself. He does not help the Moor with good intention; he believes that he cheated with his wife and thus wishes to get his revenge. He does not give advice to Cassio because he feels obliged to help a comrade; he does it to fulfill his plan. To conclude, Iago is one of Shakespeare most vile villain. He made Othello fall into despair; he made him believe that Desdemona was unfaithful to him when it was nothing but lies. He used many tricks to poison Othello’s mind, he became his friend with him and trick him, and he withheld information from him and made things appear differently. With his superior intellect, he manipulated Othello like a puppet. Manipulators are among us. Would you be able to tell if you were manipulated? WORK CITED BROCK, James Harry Ernest, Iago some Shakespearean Villians, New York, AMS Press, 1973 COE, Charles Norton, Shakespeares’s Villains, New York, AMS Press, 1972 GOLL, August, Criminal Types in Shakespeare, New York, Haskell House, 1966 NAZARE-AGA, Isabelle, Les Manipulateurs sont parmis nous: Qui sont-ils? Comment s’en protà ©ger?, Montreal, Les Éditions de L’Homme, 1997 SHAKESPEARE, William, Othello, New York, Washington Square Press, 1993 WEILGART, Wolfgang J. Shakespeare Pschognostic: Character Evolution and Transformation, AMS Press, 1972 â€Å"Jalousie Illusoir†, 2010,, consulted on November 9th 2010 How to cite How Does Iago Corrup Othello in Shakespear’s Othello, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Female Delinquency Essay Example For Students
Female Delinquency Essay One of the most important issues in crime today is Juvenile Delinquency. It istoo often the cause that people see it as something ?new? and a problem that needsto be dealt with by todays society. Female delinquency is and has been rapidlyincreasing in the past few years. In Girls, Delinquency, and Juvenile Justice, Lind andShelden give an overview of juvenile delinquency among females. To fullyunderstand the question of who, where, when, how, and why females aredelinquent, it is necessary to first understand the nature of female delinquency. To comprehend the entire study of female delinquency, it is also imperative tobecome acquainted with the theories why females commit such delinquencies andcrimes. Also, to understand the way of life and the delinquent acts of females. Females are also involved in the subculture of gangs. And what happens when thesefemales become part of the juvenile justice system? When females are arrested fortheir involvement of delinquent acts they enter the j ustice system, but what are thecourts doing to endure that these young women receive the appropriate sentencing? If sent to a detention center exactly where are they going and what goes on there?Lind and Shelden interviewed a sample of incarcerated females about theirexperience as female delinquents. An overview of the study of female delinquencywill be discussed using the works of Lind and Shelden as a secondary source data andit will conclude whether females that have been part of the justice system are nowintegrated into our society as law-abiding citizens. Society often overlooks at the reasons why young females commit crimes anddelinquent acts. It is necessary that we take a look at the nature of femaledelinquency to better understand what has driven these young women to commitdelinquent acts. The majority of girls that become delinquent are shaped byproblems that they face in todays society. Such problems include, little power givento women, few jobs options, and fewer civil r ights in comparison to men, and not tomention the root of the problem which in most cases is their home. The majority ofthese females come from low-income and broken homes where they are often raisedby a single parent. The most common type of crimes committed by female delinquents islarceny-theft, better known as ?shoplifting.? According to Morris, females are moreoften detected by store personnel because it is excepted that women tend to shopliftmore than men, and therefore are watched more closely. An explanation forshoplifting (Morris) is a ?subconscious motives (kleptomania), depression or poverty. Temptation is another reason why girls shoplift, they believe that popularity is tiedwith physical appearance and the participation in fashion and fads. This is especiallytrue in teenage girls from poor families because these teens feel that they need to bepart of the teenage subculture in order to fit in at school and among their peers. The status offenses that are most committed by young females are runningaway and curfew violations, but with these minor acts come major consequenceswhich sometimes it includes prostitution. Statistics estimate that over one millionyouths under the age of eighteen run away from homes each year and an estimatedmillion leave ?by mutual consent? or are ?throwaways? (Roberts, 1987:xi). Most ofthe youths that run away remain within ten miles from home and at leastsixty-percent return home within three days. Some of the reasons why these femalesleave their home is in flight from sexual victimization that occurs in the home. Otherrun away girls leave their home because they are rebellious and are often drop-outsthat tend to be angry and they are alienated from their parents. An estimated600,000 prostitute girls are under the age of sixteen and they majority of these girlshave been run aways. The abuse of these girls often continues from abusive pimpsand customers . Beat Poets EssayHaving read Girls, Delinquency, and Juvenile Justice I found it very informativein the study of female delinquency and I was able to link it to the previous studies ofjuvenile delinquency. Many strengths were found throughout the book, among theminclude the clear comparison of male to female delinquency and the overview of howfemales are treated when they become part of the justice system (very unfairly). Oneweakness I would like to critique is how males were also the ?scapegoats? of thestudies, yes it is a fact that males do commit more crimes that females, but I thinkthere needs to be more research on the theories on female delinquency. This bookgives a great contribution on the study of juvenile delinquency it clearly surveys all thenecessary concepts needed to fully understand female juvenile delinquency. Oneitem I would like to suggest to possible later editions is that the authors have abibiograhphy at the end of the book instead of having the constant interru ptions ofciting in between the sentences and paragraphs. Sociology Essays
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