Monday, December 30, 2019
Veterans And Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1306 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/04/15 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Veterans Essay Did you like this example? Mental health is a level of psychological well-being or an absence of mental illness. It is the psychological state of someone who is functioning at a satisfactory level of emotional and behavioral adjustment. Wikipedia When dealing with mental health there are a lot of topics and disorders like, post-traumatic stress, anxiety, depression, and suicide just to name a few. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Veterans And Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder" essay for you Create order Mental health disorders or mental illness are A wide range of conditions that affect mood, thinking, and behavior. Anybody can experience any of this mental illness even people that are within the military. Soldiers and veterans arent given the proper resources to help them with their mental health. Post-traumatic stress disorder also known as PTSD is one of many health conditions that occurs when a person has experienced or witnessed something horrific. PTSD can be caused by anything that deals with trauma which can include sexual or physical assault, natural disasters, or even just military combat. PTSD has been talked about for years now, the first case goes back to the Greeks and then within the American Civil War, PTSD was more noticeable than ever before, the soldiers experienced lots of trauma and ended up having physical and emotional injuries. According to Reisman (2016), The symptoms and syndrome of PTSD became increasingly evident during the American Civil War (1861â€Å"1865), left those who survived with a myriad of physical and psychological injuries. Also the Civil War was the first atempt to start diagonostics and treatment. Reisman (2016) states The Civil War also marked the start of formal medical attempts to address the psychological effects of combat on military veterans. If soliders back then were experincing these conditions and giving sorts of treatments where is the evidence in which these treaments are working and also how is it that the number of suicide rates are still increaseing in veterans. According to the National Center for PTSD, there are 4 symptoms of PTSD. The first one is reliving the moment, which is a flashback of the event that a veteran had experienced. This usually comes from a trigger that reminds a person of what they had gone through. The second type is avoiding things that remind you of the event. In the web document Understanding PTSD and PTSD Treatment, an example was provided for someone who was assaulted should avoid crowded places because being around so many people can feel dangerous. The third symptom is having more negative thoughts and feelings than before. In this case, peoples emotions are low and they dont have the same feelings or interest in certain activities. The last symptom is feeling on edge, which is hyper arousal and that is keeping people jittery. If these symptoms are noticeable something should be put in place that can help people deal with this mental illness. PTSD can affect anybody but I want to talk about how it affects people within the military and also veterans. It is estimated 500,000 of this generation of wounded veterans live with the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Another 320,000 suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI). That is a lot of wounded veterans dealing with both PTSD and TBI. I got hooked on watching this show called Greys Anantomy and on the show we were introudced to a U.S. Army trauma suregeon named Owen Hunt. On the show Dr. Hunt has a secret: he suffers from PTSD. In the episode: Elevator Love Letter, Owen is asleep and he is having nightmares about the war which is triggered by the blades of the ceiling fan going around and around, in that moment he doesnt know that he is choking his girlfreind: Christina Yang which she concludes to Owen that he is suffering from PTSD. Owen then seeks conusling. From watching this show and now writing a paper on PTSD I wonder if veterans take in to conderation t hat what they have can cause serious problems like the one Dr. Hunt went through. I believe that some veterans are scared to seek help or just dont want it or the treatments that they have been provided dont really work. Suicide is an issue that people in this soceity dont really talk about. Fox states from NBC news that Veterans are twice as likely as civilians to die by suicide, the Department of Veterans Affairs said Monday in its latest report on suicide. Veterans make up more than 14 percent of all suicides, although they account for only 8 percent of the total population. Wow this is surprsigly I never knew that the largest portion of people who take their lifes by suicide is the veteran population until reasearching on this topic. With dealing with PTSD in veterans they have different treatments and organizations that can help with this illness, one organization that provides treatment for PTSD is the Wounded Warrior Project which is a charity organization that was designed to help wounded veterans. On their website, they have stated that veterans and service members who incurred a physical or mental injury, illness, or wound while serving in the military on or after September 11, 2001. You are our focus. You are our mission. Here, youre not a member â€Å" youre an alumnus, a valued part of a community thats been where youve been, and understands what you need. Everything we offer is free because theres no dollar value to finding recovery and no limit to what you can achieve. (We Serve Injured Post 9/11 American Veterans Service Members | WWP. (n.d.). Retrieved from I love that this organization values and supports the veterans to come in and seek help from others that have been through the same thing. The wonded warrior project has an outside workshop that is called Project Oddsey. Within the two different proejcts you have All-Male or Female Project Odyssey and Couples Project Odyssey both go through a 90 day program in which to help these veterans challenge theirselves, over come their feers, with partipicating in outside activities while bonding with the project oddsey staff, other veterans and also trained counselors. Once the program is finished the staff follows up for 3 months and still gives support. Does every veteran know about this one program, does your superior tell you about different kinds of treatment and organazation you can check yourself into. While researching I came upon a treatment that might be suprisignt to eveerybody. Studies have been shown that they are now trying to use Ecstasy as a treatment for people with PTSD. Phillips (2018) stated Research published Tuesday in the British journal The Lancet Psychiatry found that after two sessions of psychotherapy with the party drug, officially known as MDMA, a majority of 26 combat veterans and first responders with chronic PTSD who had not been helped by traditional methods saw dramatic decreases in symptoms. If this is possible how would this generation of veterans and past and future ones be affected by this? Would this turn into a drug addiction for them? There are many questions that can come from this and if this treatments is brought into the society who would be resposinble if this gets out of hand. If approved by the F.D.A., MDMA would only be administered by a licensed therapist. First, a patient goes through three sessions of psychotherapy. In the fourth session, the patient takes a pill. Phillips (2018). If the treatments go wrong what happens? Would these veterans have to sign a consent form or anything? Overall soldiers and veterans are most likely given the proper resources to help them with their mental health but it still doesnt matter if the suicide population is increasing. I believe that every veteran should be check if they have a mental illness regardless if they want the help or not. The armed forces mission is to protect and serve right? So is that mission still implied after they have left the forces?
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Analysis Of The Poem The Squire - 2301 Words
In the introduction of The Squire s Tale an unmentioned third party, assumed to be the author, is asking the Squire â€Å"... say something about love, for certainly you/ Know as much about that as any man.†(l. 2-3) The Squire is seen as someone who would know a lot about love due to experience. He is quick to answer, saying â€Å"...but I will speak as I can/ With a hearty will, for I will not rebel†in lines 4-5. In this quote he is saying he knows what he knows and nothing more so he will try his best to stick to his knowledge. In other words, he reiterates in line 7 â€Å"Have me excused if I speak amiss†that he wants you to understand he only knows from his experience about love and can not tell about another’s experience of love. The Squire has†¦show more content†¦The Squire can not describe her beauty in the appropriate speech in every detail that he believes should be used for this occasion. â€Å"In royal vestments sits on his dais,/ With diadem, full noby in his palace,/ And holds his feast so solemn and so rich/ That in this world there was none like it;†(l.59-62) states that King Cambyuskan would hold feast that no one in the city has seen before. He would serve one course at a time, some for these courses might include for example stews, swans, and herons. After the third course was served the King would sit and listens to minstrels play their instruments at his table. All of a sudden in comes a Knight on a steed, with a mirror of glass in hand. The Knight also had a gold ring on his thumb and a naked sword on his side as he approaches the high table. Everyone there stopped to stare at this marvelous Knight that had appeared. As the Knight approached the table he â€Å"Salutes king and queen and all the lords,/ In the order in which they sat in the hall,†in lines 91-92. This one gesture shows how he is respectful to those above him, as well as sets a magnificent first impression. The Knight then began to speak without a single mistake in his pronunciation and his facial expressions stayed true to the tale. The Squire knew he could not imitate his style but said â€Å"Thus much amounts all that ever he meant (to say),/ If it so be that I have it (correctly) in mind.†inShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of My Three Favorite Characters From Chaucer s General Prologue907 Words  | 4 PagesInteresting Characters (An Analysis of my Three Favorite Characters from Chaucer s General Prologue) Chaucer was a writer from the Anglo Saxon Era in which he did many significant things in his short life. He is known to this day as the father of our language as we know it today. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019
How Does Iago Corrup Othello in Shakespear’s Othello Free Essays
Finally, the most effective way Iago poisons Othello’s mind is by changing the appearance of reality. He will cover it up with lies and Othello will be forced to believe him because he will be too submerged in doubt and suspicion to see the truth. In act 3, scene 3, when Cassion parts from Desdemona, Iago makes it appear as if Cassio â€Å"steal away so guilty-like†(Shakespeare, act 3, scene 3) because he did not want to be seen with Desdemona. We will write a custom essay sample on How Does Iago Corrup Othello in Shakespear’s Othello or any similar topic only for you Order Now While it appears really bad from Othello point of view, the reality of it is completely different. Cassio, who has been demoted, wishes to gain back his good will with Othello with Desdemona’s help. Iago tricks Othello by making him believe that every seemingly harmless encounter between Cassio and Desdemona are actually lies and that they are seeing each other behind his back. To the readers of the play it is quite obvious the nature of their encounter but to Othello who judges with eyes clouded by jealousy, he can only see the harm being done. Othello is unable to make a rational decision because he is too deep in madness. Iago has poisoned his mind and ruined his judgement. To further poison Othello’s mind, Iago will set up Cassio and Othello. In act 4, scene 1, while Othello is hidden in the shadows; Iago approaches Cassio and starts a conversation with him. Othello believes the base of the conversation will be about his wife Desdemona because it is what Iago told him he would do: interrogate Cassio about Desdemona. But the reality of it is different. Iago is actually talking to Cassio about Bianca. Othello is caught up in the illusion; he now truly believes that Desdemona is unfaithful towards him. Jealousy clouds one’s mind. Othello in able to see that Iago is playing him; he is too deep in his own illusions to notice that he is being used. Because Othello’s judgement is clouded, Iago is able to make things appear differently. With his rational thinking gone, Othello is incapable of differencing reality from lies. The more he is poison, the more he degrades. His speech deteriorates, he has epileptic attacks and burst into rage. His actions are proof of his mental state. He is turmoil because of what Iago has made him believe, because of what Iago has made him see. Not only does Iago make scenes appear differently, he himself is an example of appearance vs. reality. Trough out the eyes of the other characters in the play, Iago appears â€Å"full of love and honesty†; Othello even says that â€Å"Iago is most honest†. In Criminal Types in Shakespeare, August Goll cites: â€Å"Iago appears to every one as the clever head, the man who knows the world and sees things clearly, who describes things as he sees them without mincing matters-the free-spoken, honest friend bold and rough: for this reason they all seek him in their various difficulties, Desdemona, Cassio, Emilia, Roderigo. (Goll, 218) Iago makes himself appear intentioned to the feeling of others. When they are faced with difficulties he offers them advices. Othello looks to Iago for advice on how to deal with the situation he faces, he asks him to help him in his vengeance. Iago true personality is someone who is egocentric, full of malice. He only thinks about himself. He does not help the Moor with good intention; he believes that he cheated with his wife and thus wishes to get his revenge. He does not give advice to Cassio because he feels obliged to help a comrade; he does it to fulfill his plan. To conclude, Iago is one of Shakespeare most vile villain. He made Othello fall into despair; he made him believe that Desdemona was unfaithful to him when it was nothing but lies. He used many tricks to poison Othello’s mind, he became his friend with him and trick him, and he withheld information from him and made things appear differently. With his superior intellect, he manipulated Othello like a puppet. Manipulators are among us. Would you be able to tell if you were manipulated? WORK CITED BROCK, James Harry Ernest, Iago some Shakespearean Villians, New York, AMS Press, 1973 COE, Charles Norton, Shakespeares’s Villains, New York, AMS Press, 1972 GOLL, August, Criminal Types in Shakespeare, New York, Haskell House, 1966 NAZARE-AGA, Isabelle, Les Manipulateurs sont parmis nous: Qui sont-ils? Comment s’en protà ©ger?, Montreal, Les Éditions de L’Homme, 1997 SHAKESPEARE, William, Othello, New York, Washington Square Press, 1993 WEILGART, Wolfgang J. Shakespeare Pschognostic: Character Evolution and Transformation, AMS Press, 1972 â€Å"Jalousie Illusoir†, 2010,, consulted on November 9th 2010 How to cite How Does Iago Corrup Othello in Shakespear’s Othello, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Female Delinquency Essay Example For Students
Female Delinquency Essay One of the most important issues in crime today is Juvenile Delinquency. It istoo often the cause that people see it as something ?new? and a problem that needsto be dealt with by todays society. Female delinquency is and has been rapidlyincreasing in the past few years. In Girls, Delinquency, and Juvenile Justice, Lind andShelden give an overview of juvenile delinquency among females. To fullyunderstand the question of who, where, when, how, and why females aredelinquent, it is necessary to first understand the nature of female delinquency. To comprehend the entire study of female delinquency, it is also imperative tobecome acquainted with the theories why females commit such delinquencies andcrimes. Also, to understand the way of life and the delinquent acts of females. Females are also involved in the subculture of gangs. And what happens when thesefemales become part of the juvenile justice system? When females are arrested fortheir involvement of delinquent acts they enter the j ustice system, but what are thecourts doing to endure that these young women receive the appropriate sentencing? If sent to a detention center exactly where are they going and what goes on there?Lind and Shelden interviewed a sample of incarcerated females about theirexperience as female delinquents. An overview of the study of female delinquencywill be discussed using the works of Lind and Shelden as a secondary source data andit will conclude whether females that have been part of the justice system are nowintegrated into our society as law-abiding citizens. Society often overlooks at the reasons why young females commit crimes anddelinquent acts. It is necessary that we take a look at the nature of femaledelinquency to better understand what has driven these young women to commitdelinquent acts. The majority of girls that become delinquent are shaped byproblems that they face in todays society. Such problems include, little power givento women, few jobs options, and fewer civil r ights in comparison to men, and not tomention the root of the problem which in most cases is their home. The majority ofthese females come from low-income and broken homes where they are often raisedby a single parent. The most common type of crimes committed by female delinquents islarceny-theft, better known as ?shoplifting.? According to Morris, females are moreoften detected by store personnel because it is excepted that women tend to shopliftmore than men, and therefore are watched more closely. An explanation forshoplifting (Morris) is a ?subconscious motives (kleptomania), depression or poverty. Temptation is another reason why girls shoplift, they believe that popularity is tiedwith physical appearance and the participation in fashion and fads. This is especiallytrue in teenage girls from poor families because these teens feel that they need to bepart of the teenage subculture in order to fit in at school and among their peers. The status offenses that are most committed by young females are runningaway and curfew violations, but with these minor acts come major consequenceswhich sometimes it includes prostitution. Statistics estimate that over one millionyouths under the age of eighteen run away from homes each year and an estimatedmillion leave ?by mutual consent? or are ?throwaways? (Roberts, 1987:xi). Most ofthe youths that run away remain within ten miles from home and at leastsixty-percent return home within three days. Some of the reasons why these femalesleave their home is in flight from sexual victimization that occurs in the home. Otherrun away girls leave their home because they are rebellious and are often drop-outsthat tend to be angry and they are alienated from their parents. An estimated600,000 prostitute girls are under the age of sixteen and they majority of these girlshave been run aways. The abuse of these girls often continues from abusive pimpsand customers . Beat Poets EssayHaving read Girls, Delinquency, and Juvenile Justice I found it very informativein the study of female delinquency and I was able to link it to the previous studies ofjuvenile delinquency. Many strengths were found throughout the book, among theminclude the clear comparison of male to female delinquency and the overview of howfemales are treated when they become part of the justice system (very unfairly). Oneweakness I would like to critique is how males were also the ?scapegoats? of thestudies, yes it is a fact that males do commit more crimes that females, but I thinkthere needs to be more research on the theories on female delinquency. This bookgives a great contribution on the study of juvenile delinquency it clearly surveys all thenecessary concepts needed to fully understand female juvenile delinquency. Oneitem I would like to suggest to possible later editions is that the authors have abibiograhphy at the end of the book instead of having the constant interru ptions ofciting in between the sentences and paragraphs. Sociology Essays
Friday, November 29, 2019
Bill Clinton Dnc Speech free essay sample
As first stated by the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle, the art of rhetoric in persuasive speaking is based upon the usage of the three key components, logos, ethos and pathos. Logos representing the usage of logic and reasoning within the speech or text, ethos representing the writer or speaker’s credibility and pathos representing how the speaker or author establishes an emotional connection with the audience. In former president Bill Clinton’s 2012 democratic national convention he relies heavily upon Aristotle’s persuasive speaking techniques to help convince the participants of the convention and those watching at home to reelect the nominee of the Democratic Party, current president Barack Obama. Through his usage of logos by referencing statistics of Obama’s presidency, ethos mostly through his integrity as former president of the United States and his political past, and pathos through his use of humor and appeal to tender emotions such as sympathy, Clinton establishes a sense of belonging to the Democratic Party and effectively conveys his overall message of reelection of the current president. We will write a custom essay sample on Bill Clinton Dnc Speech or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Appealing to a human’s emotions is arguably one of the most powerful mechanisms in trying to persuade an audience to believe in one’s argument. Clinton starts his speech by repeatedly referencing the audience as â€Å"we democrats†and using phrases such as â€Å"every one of us†and â€Å"every one of them†heavily in his speech. The usage of these key phrases efficiently establishes a sense of community and belonging not only within the audience but also between the audience and himself. This sense of togetherness helps to create an image of the former president as just another member of the Democratic Party who also understands what the common man is going through today and has a solution to their everyday problems unlike those in the opposite party. It also helps to unite the party in this common cause to reelect the president and support what he has done so far. Clinton also uses pathos in a sense that his humor and sarcasm could be felt throughout his speech and also helped to link the former president to the common man. He takes a jab at the republican national convention by indirectly calling them professional liars through their clean appearance and ability to convince the people that they are good Christians whose only worry is the general welfare of Americans and how they almost had Clinton himself convinced that they were telling the truth which drew good laughter from the crowd. As the crowd laughs, they find themselves more and more attracted to Clinton, making it easier for him to convince them of his arguments, effectively using the benefits of pathos and he doesn’t stop there. Clinton also goes on to mention that the other candidate plans on cutting spending on government programs such as head start preschool program for poor children which evoked a sense of compassion from anyone in the audience who is around children or sympathizes with under privileged children which was practically everyone in the audience also effectively allowing Clinton to find another connection with the audience. Another persuasive technique he utilizes is his usage of logic and reasoning by referencing facts and statistics. His reference to actual political facts helps to convince those in the audience who aren’t as easily swayed solely through their emotions. He points out that in the past 52 years the Republican Party was in charge for 28 years and the democrats for 24 years and according to the math out of the 66 million jobs created in those 52 years, 24 million was created by Republicans and 42 million created by democrats. These statistics help to illustrate the efficiency of the political policies of the Democratic Party and that the math proves their policies are the best and more effective way to go. He also goes on and brings the focus of his logos to the present by acknowledging the 2010 Recovery Act Obama passed which cut taxes for 95% of Americans and created 4 and a half private sector jobs within the last 29 months. This use of facts helps to present actual evidence behind his claims about the president’s success and persuades skeptics that he couldn’t possibly be wrong due to the fact that his argument has now shifted to be based on the truth and numbers and not only the emotions of the audience. Finally, Clinton shifts to ethos to finish off his speech strongly and efficiently. Without him even mentioning it, his credibility as a speaker is already set due to the fact that he was the last democratic president of the United States which in a lot of people’s opinions qualifies him as someone who could accurately talk about the recovery of the county and know what is going on. Even before he was president, Clinton was also the governor of Arkansas who worked with previous republican presidents such as Ronald Reagan on welfare reform and George H. W. Bush to help with the national education goals, furthering his credibility as a political figure who has the background to sustain the claims he’s making in his speech to support the reelection of president Obama. At the end of the speech, I personally felt Clinton was very professional and efficient in using those rhetorical strategies in a sense that at the end of the 50 minute speech he had me believing in his case due to the way he implemented logos, ethos, and pathos as described in the previous paragraphs. Not only did I connect with the emotions he was conveying with his words, but his use of statistics and facts also gave me solid empirical evidence I could actually hold on to. In conclusion, through former president Bill Clinton’s use of rhetorical strategies such as logos, ethos, and pathos to express his wisdom and advice, he establishes a sense of belonging to the Democratic Party and effectively conveys his overall message of reelection of the current president.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Film Critism essays
Film Critism essays Nothing is a Cuban film directed by Juan Carlos Chemata Maberti. I was able to see this film on September 10th, 2004. I enjoyed it thoroughly, although I was unable to determine why initially after seeing it. But after some carefully analyzing the film I was able to pick out several elements of the film that were almost pleasantly distressing. The movie reminded me of the chaos theory. The butterfly effect. Because the main character, a Cuban female of approximately 25 years of age alters letters in order to make it aesthetically pleasing to the mail receiver. This offered an interesting plot structure which ultimately although simple was very intriguing. The color and cinematography in which the film was produced also added to the thematic effect of the film. The plot was structured a chronological order. It was non unique in the development. But the idea and story line were highly unique and interesting. The main character works in a post office. She seems displeased with her life, which is understandable; her parents left her when she was 15 years old to go to America. They now reside in Miami and are attempting to get her a visa to come to America as well. While she is at work she will steal letters and re-phrase, revise, re-write, and modify the letters to make them more delightful to the reader. She is an amazing writer and often changes the persons life for the better. I think that she in an interesting twist is living vicariously through her recipients. They are now able to enjoy their lives as she wishes she were able to do. My favorite scene is a result of one of the womyns (Sic.) altered letters. The recipient is obviously feeling suicidal and has not been enjoying life for some time now. The main character alters the letter to her in a poetic manner almost indirectly encouraging her to commit suicide. Upon receiving the letter the womyn walks despondently she walks into her home and into her res...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Critically discuss how scientific paradigms influence research Coursework
Critically discuss how scientific paradigms influence research methodologies. Which of the current theoretical views & methodologies are most relevant to research within your discipline - And why - Coursework Example as its research methodology given the kind of paradigm it uses, prompting the researchers to establish first where the discipline they deal with belong. Research is an undertaking that is concerned with the exploration and understanding of social phenomena that are both academic and informative in nature. It pertains to formalized and spontaneously occurring social, psychological and cultural processes which are known as education. Research, therefore, deals educational concerns from a range of concepts and understandings of the social reality. This explains why a number of varied paradigms have been developed to explain the criteria according to the one selected and the definition of the problems awaiting the inquiry. Research methodology, on the other hand, is the inquiry strategy, which draws from the underlying assumptions to research design and data collection (Niglas 2000). Research methodology is mostly classified as either qualitative or quantitative, although there are other distinctions concerning the mode of the research. These two tend to create distinctions about the knowledge of nature and also the way data is collected and analyzed. (Rescher 2000), and finally the kind of generalizations deduced from the data. While quantitative research method tends to study natural phenomena, qualitative method inquiries into the social and cultural phenomena. This paper will inquire into the various ways in which scientific paradigms influence research methodologies, which of the current theoretical views and methodologies are most relevant within the discipline of engineering. Finally, it will also look into the reasons why the methodologies so selected are most relevant in this discipline. There are three philosophical perspectives widely accepted as paradigms in the contemporary social, management and organizational research. These paradigms include the Positivism paradigm, Interpretivism paradigm and the Critical Postmodernism paradigm. Notably, the main
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Connection between Theory and Practice Coursework - 1
Connection between Theory and Practice - Coursework Example heories comprise of theoretical structures defining comprehensive viewpoints for practice and ways of looking at nursing phenomena based on viewpoints. On the other hand, evidence-based practice is the thoughtful and critical use of nursing theories to guide the nursing process (Parker & Smith, 2010). The association between grand theories and evidence-based practice is grounded on the descriptions, predictions and explanations inscribed in the grand theories to respond to questions on nursing phenomenon (Meleis, 2007). The evidence acquired through the study of these questions, due to the degree of relevance and specificity, in turn is more directly applicable to nursing practice (McEwen & Wills, 2014). In essence, grand theories offer an overall framework for structuring of nursing interventions. For instance, a well-defined body of theory such as Orem’s Self-care grand nursing theory offers better patient care, guidance for research and education and enhanced profession status for nurses (Parker & Smith, 2010). In essence, grand theories offer an overall framework for structuring of evidence-based nursing interventions (Meleis, 2007). Professional nurses use grand theories to collect, organize and categorize patient data and understand, scrutinize and interpret patient’s health conditions (McEwen & Wills, 2014). Notably, theoretical concepts from grand theories guide all the stages of nursing processes, including planning, adoption and assessment of nursing care, while also delineating the desired reactions to care and outcomes of care (Basavanthappa,
Monday, November 18, 2019
International trade Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1
International trade - Essay Example China is fast approaching the value of the United States in terms of exports and is an important destination for imports. India and the Asean countries have also shown export growth in these years. India’s export growth is fast growing that is already similar to China. In the same way, Asean countries take action to China’s competition as its merchandise exports particularly in manufacturing grew by 18% in 2006. Likewise, European’s growth is inspired by the rising business and consumer confidence. European Union is the second world biggest exporter and importer of goods and services. Second, the strong economy is boosted by demand for commodities needed for industrial manufacturing and infrastructure development, such as metals and oils and is highest in 2007 that displayed the highest price movement (Chart 4) Chart 4: Export prices of selected primary products, 2005-2007 Annual % change a Comprising coffee, cocoa beans and tea. Source: IMF, International Financ ial Statistics. Source: World Trade Organization, 2008 Third, the strong regional developments have been accompanied by strong growths in merchandise trade as Table 1 would show. The strong economy of the emerging countries is accompanied by strong exports and imports. Fourth, export growth receives continued support from the world economy. As table 1 below shows, the combined merchandise exports of major economies integrate into the strong export growth of the world of 6.5% in 2005, 8.5% in 2006 followed by a decline of 5.5% in 2007. In 2007, effect of recession is starting to appear as trading slows down in most of the countries, with exception of the emerging economies that displayed its strength beyond crisis. We have seen China, Asia and India emerged as strong exporters. Table 1: GDP and merchandise trade by region, 2005-07 Annual % change at constant prices  GDP Exports Imports  2005 2006 2007 2005 2006 2007 2005 2006 2007 World 3.3 3.7 3.4 6.5 8.5 5.5 6.5 8.0 5.5 Nor th America 3.1 3.0 2.3 6.0 8.5 5.5 6.5 6.0 2.5 United States 3.1 2.9 2.2 7.0 10.5 7.0 5.5 5.5 1.0 South and Central America a 5.6 6.0 6.3 8.0 4.0 5.0 14.0 15.0 20.0 Europe 1.9 2.9 2.8 4.0 7.5 3.5 4.5 7.5 3.5 European Union (27) 1.8 3.0 2.7 4.5 7.5 3.0 4.0 7.0 3.0 Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) 6.7 7.5 8.4 3.5 6.0 6.0 18.0 21.5 18.0 Africa and Middle East 5.6 5.5 5.5 4.5 1.5 0.5 14.5 6.5 12.5 Asia 4.2 4.7 4.7 11.0 13.0 11.5 8.0 8.5 8.5 China 10.4 11.1 11.4 25.0 22.0 19.5 11.5 16.5 13.5 Japan b 1.9 2.4 2.1 5.0 10.0 9.0 2.5 2.5 1.0 India 9.0 9.7 9.1 21.5 11.0 10.5 28.5 9.5 13.0 Newly industrialized economies (4) c 4.9 5.5 5.6 8.0 12.5 8.5 5.0 8.5 7.0 a Includes the Caribbean. b Trade volume data are derived from customs values deflated by standard unit values and an adjusted price index for electronic goods. c Hong Kong, China; Republic of Korea; Singapore and Chinese Taipei. Source: WTO Secretariat. 1.2 Distinction between tariff and quota and why tariffs are preferable to q uotas (i.e. quantitative restrictions) as a method of controlling imports Tariff and
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The Other Side Of The River, By Alex Kotlowitz
The Other Side Of The River, By Alex Kotlowitz The book, The Other Side of the River, by Alex Kotlowitz, investigates the relationship between two Michigan cities, as well as the death of Eric McGinnis. The two towns, St. Joseph and Benton Harbor, are called the twin cities, though they are anything but. For one, St. Joseph is predominantly white, while the majority of the population in Benton Harbor is African American. Throughout the novel Kotlowitz questions how people are affected by their environment. When interviewed about his book he said, your perspectiveall depends on which side of the river you live on. This statement is undoubtedly the backdrop for Kotlowitzs book. Erics death is just one of the many ways in which disagreement between the two cities took place. Another death that sparked a commotion between the two cities, and possibly more important, between the two races, was the death of Norris Maben. January 18, 1990, a year before Erics death was when Norris Maben was killed. Maben was shot by Marv Fiedler, a white cop. Fiedler thought Maben was the suspect he had been looking for and when it appeared that Maben was about to pull out a gun, Fiedler shot him. There was a logical explanation behind the shooting, but to the public this was just an unjust act of violence. To make matters worse, Maben was unarmed. The citizens of Benton Harbor saw this as a racial attack. Right before Fiedlers trial was when Erics dead body was found floating in the St. Joseph river. Immediately the residents of Benton Harbor thought he was murdered by a white citizen of St. Joseph. On the other hand, the citizens of St. Joseph thought it was possibly a suicide, or they didnt really care. One St. Joseph resident commented , That nigger came on the wrong side of the bridge. He Should have stayed on his side of the river. Erics untimely death stirred up stagnant feelings of the Maben shooting, as well as forming new a feud between the two cities. Residents of both St. Joseph and Benton Harbor grew up learning that the people on the other side of the river are corrupt. Chris Adams, the owner of a popular teen hangout, told Kotlowitz during an interview, You grow up around here learning that bad things happen in Benton Harbor. You grow up afraid to go across the river. This fear of venturing to the other side of the river was true for adults as well as teens. The author, Alex Kotlowitz, recounts how black teens asked cops for rides back to Benton Harbor because they were so afraid of being left alone in St. Joseph, but more importantly, they were afraid of the whites. Situations such as these bring into question whether this fear of the opposite race is a learned behavior as suggested by Chris Adams, or if prejudice is a behavior you are born with. This idea of behaviors being learned, or being born with the behaviors, is referred to Nature vs. Nurture. Nature refers to ones instinct and the concept that a persons behaviors can be traced back to their genetic makeup. On the contrary, nurture refers to the theory that people act a certain way because they learned so from their parents or peers. Growing knowledge of the human genome is helping scientists form theories in which both sides are partly right, but as of now the subject is still in debate amongst sociologists. In my opinion, I feel that a persons behaviors are learned by observing their parents or their peers. The characters from The Other Side of the River grew up learning that the other race is inferior and the other town across the river is corrupt. There are a few people, who are white, and live on the Benton Harbor side of the river. These people often interact with both races. It is people like this who learned growing up that neither race is superior. Furthermore, there are also a few characters, such as Ruth McGinnis, who are sociable and cordial with whites, and many other inhabitants of St. Joseph. As I began to read this book I expected a story about the death of Eric McGinnis, but as I read more and more I realized that this book was about much more. It told the underlying story of the two Michigan towns, St. Joseph and Benton Harbor. It also told of various other controversies that helped me, as the reader, to identify why the townspeople felt the way they did about Erics death. This book also left me feeling unsettled. Living in a country that takes such pride in its diversity, it makes me wonder how two towns such as Benton Harbor and St. Joseph can exist. There are hundreds of towns just like these two, and if people will cease to be ignorant than they will be able to see each other for who they are, and no longer define each other according to their race.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Its Time to Stop Animal Research, Testing, and Experimentation Essays
It's Time to Stop Animal Research, Testing, and Experimentation  Using animals in research and to test the safety of products has been a topic of heated debate for decades. According to data collected by F. Barbara Orlans for her book, In the Name of Science: Issues in Responsible Animal Experimentation, sixty percent of all animals used in testing are used in biomedical research and product-safety testing (62). People have different feelings for animals; many look upon animals as companions while others view animals as a means for advancing medical techniques or furthering experimental research. However individuals perceive animals, the fact remains that animals are being exploited by research facilities and cosmetics companies all across the country and all around the world. Although humans often benefit from successful animal research, the pain, the suffering, and the deaths of animals are not worth the possible human benefits. Therefore, animals should not be used in research or to test the safety of products. First, animals' rights are violated when they are used in research. Tom Regan, a philosophy professor at North Carolina State University, states: "Animals have a basic moral right to respectful treatment. . . .This inherent value is not respected when animals are reduced to being mere tools in a scientific experiment" (qtd. in Orlans 26). Animals and people are alike in many ways; they both feel, think, behave, and experience pain. Thus, animals should be treated with the same respect as humans. Yet animals' rights are violated when they are used in research because they are not given a choice. Animals are subjected to tests that are often painful or cause permanent damage or death, and th... ...tes animals' rights, it causes pain and suffering to the experimental animals, and other means of testing product toxicity are available. Humans cannot justify making life better for themselves by randomly torturing and executing thousands of animals per year to perform laboratory experiments or to test products. Animals should be treated with respect and dignity, and this right to decent treatment is not upheld when animals are exploited for selfish human gain. After all, humans are animals too. Works Cited Against Animal Testing. The Body Shop, 1993. Balls, Michael. "Time to Reform Toxic Tests." New Scientist 134 (1992):31-33. Orlans, F. Barbara. In the Name of Science: Issues in Responsible Animal Experimentation. New York: Oxford UP, 1993. Silcock, Sheila. "Is Your Experiment Really Necessary?" New Scientist 134 (1992): 32-34.
Monday, November 11, 2019
‘Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’ is an examination of the duality of human nature Essay
Discuss the duality expressed not only in Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, but also in other characters. It is believed that there are two parts to a person; good and evil. In most people the good side is stronger and the evil side is repressed. In ‘Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’ the repression of Dr Jekyll’s evil side has made it become much stronger and eventually when the evil side is released it takes over and changes the balance of good and evil in Dr Jekyll. The evil side becomes dominant. In the Victorian era science was a very interesting topic as Charles Darwin had just come forth with his theory of evolution and more facts about the evolution of man were being found out. Charles Darwin claimed that humans, over many years of time, had descended from the apes; this shocked many people in Victorian times as they were very religious and strongly believed in God, and felt like any other theory than the one in the Bible was unbelievable. In the novel ‘Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’ the duality of human nature is shown as a split of good and evil. Robert Louis Stevenson shows that there are two sides to everyone; this is especially shown in Dr Jekyll. Dr Jekyll has a good side to him that his friends see, he is portrayed as a kind, sensible and well mannered man, but he also has a side of him that wants to break free and not have to be sensible and well mannered. The parts that Hyde is mentioned in the book are usually to do with crime or violence, and anyone who spoke of him felt that there was something strange and eerie about him. Our introduction to Hyde is him trampling a girl on the floor. â€Å"Mr Hyde broke out of all bounds, and clubbed him to the earth.†Hyde is described is compared to an Ape and other animals by many different people, it is almost as if when Jekyll transforms into Hyde he is evolving backwards, becoming more ape-like. Hyde is the personification of Jekyll’s evil side. â€Å"It wasn’t like a man; it was like some damned Juggernaut.†Whereas Dr Jekyll is described as: â€Å"A large, well-made, smooth-faced man of fifty, with something of a slyish cast perhaps, but every mark of capacity and kindness.†Our introduction to Jekyll is at a dinner party, where he is civilised, sociable and elegant. As Jekyll is such a good man it is strange that he would let a man like Hyde have a key to his house so he may come and go whenever he pleases. Why does Hyde only enter the house through the laboratory door? It is also extraordinary that Jekyll did not mention Hyde to any of his other friends. Mr Utterson and Dr Lanyon have been friends with Dr Jekyll for many years but they both do not appear to have their own key to his house. It is suspicious that Hyde goes into Jekyll’s house in the middle night at comes out with a cheque signed by Dr Jekyll. Is Hyde blackmailing Jekyll? In Victorian times it is highly unlikely that anyone would have guessed that Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde were the same man. This is because they have completely different characteristics and qualities; Hyde is short, whereas Jekyll is tall. But to the modern reader it is in some cases obvious that they are the same man; Hyde and Jekyll are never around at the same time. Other characters in the book who have met Mr Hyde describe him as â€Å"wicked looking†and having â€Å"an impression of deformity without any nameable malformation†. Mr Hyde appears to have some kind strange of aura about him; that makes other people around him nervous and scared. â€Å"He was perfectly cool and made no resistance, but he gave me one look, so ugly that it brought out the sweat on me like running.†Dr Jekyll, however, seems very sociable and pleasant to look at. But the reader knows that Dr Jekyll has a terrible secret. A secret that is so awful, it cause Dr Lanyon to break their friendship and eventually resulted in Dr Lanyon’s death. â€Å"I am quite done with that person; and I beg that you will spare me any allusion to one whom I regard as dead.†In the novel, before the revelation, Jekyll allows Hyde to become increasingly stronger. Jekyll finds that he cannot control the transformations, and they happen without him taking any of his potions. â€Å"I was slowly losing hold of my original and better self, and becoming slowly incorporated with my second and worse.†Not being able control the transformations means that Dr Jekyll is unable to see anyone, and when Mr Utterson and Mr Enfield see Dr Jekyll at his window, Jekyll begins to transform and has to slam the window shut before the other men see. But Mr Enfield and Mr Utterson did catch a momentary look of what was happening on the other side of the window. â€Å"They saw it but for a glimpse, for the window was instantly thrust down; but that glimpse had been sufficient, and they turned and left the court without a word.†Mr Utterson is a curious character in the novel. His friendship with Mr Enfield is particularly strange. â€Å"It was reported by those who encountered them in their Sunday walks, that they said nothing, looked singularly dull, and would hail with obvious relief the appearance of a friend.†It seems rather odd that the two men would go out every week, but do not seem to like each other. Mr Utterson must have some secrets and strange history that is not mentioned in the novel. â€Å"And though he enjoyed the theatre, he had not crossed the doors of one for twenty years.†Mr Utterson seems to keep himself to himself. He does not talk about his feelings and thoughts or his past, and to Mr Enfield he hardly talks at all. Yet when Mr Utterson has a drink at a dinner party â€Å"something eminently human beaconed from his eye†, this may be some part of him that wants to be expressed and let loose and he is just managing to repress it. After the revelation Dr Jekyll claims that â€Å"man is not truly one, but truly two.†He thinks that every soul contains two parts; good and evil. But one is always dominant. In the case of Dr Jekyll it appeared that the good side was the dominant side but after the transformations it was realised that really the evil side was dominant, and had somehow become stronger than the good side by being repressed for all those years. The novel ‘Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’ shows a lot of different sides of the duality of human nature; good and evil, right and wrong. These differences are shown in many of the characters in the novel. The book emphasises the goodness of Dr Jekyll and evilness of Mr Hyde, however is also points to Mr Utterson and Dr Lanyon who both display moments when they too have unstable characters.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Drivers Beware Stupid Laws Ahead!
Drivers Beware Stupid Laws Ahead! We all know that most driving laws are designed with our safety and best interests in mind. But times change, and sometimes the laws that fit them are late to the game. Here are some of the more hilarious laws that are still lurking around (longer than they should have): Driving in Oregon? Make sure you start your stopwatch when you open your door! Leaving it open too long may earn you a ticket.It’s also illegal to â€Å"demonstrate your physical endurance†while highway driving in Oregon- we just hope this doesn’t include staying awake behind the wheel!Need to catch up on the latest issue of X-Men or the Avengers? Just make sure you’re not driving in Oklahoma, where comic book reading and driving is a big no-no. We’re more concerned about driving where this behavior is legal.What’s up with Alabama? It’s actually legal to drive down a one-way street the wrong way if your vehicle is equipped with a lantern!Color careful? In Minneapolis it’s illegal to drive a red car down Lake Street and in Denver you can’t drive a black car on Sundays.Minnesota doesn’t want messy cars! In Minnetonka, it’s illegal to drive a vehicle with dirty wheels that make a mess on the roads.Sheep on board? If so, don’t drive through Montana- an unattended sheep in your truck cab can get you in hot water.Keep your weapons holstered when you see an animal from your vehicle in Tennessee. There’s no animal shooting if you’re in a moving car- unless it’s a whale (no joke, other than the law itself).No ice picks on your wheels in Montana folks†¦Who does this?Who knew Pennsylvania was so horse sensitive? If you’re driving by a team of horses, you must pull off the road and hide your vehicle under a blanket or canvas. And if you make the horses skittish, you’ll have to disassemble your vehicle(!)Yeah, these laws aren’t really enforced any longer, but still†¦driver s be wary, and stay safe on the roads. That’s always a good rule to follow!Read More at
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
How Mark Anthony manipulates the crowd after the death of Julius Caesar Essay Example
How Mark Anthony manipulates the crowd after the death of Julius Caesar Essay Example How Mark Anthony manipulates the crowd after the death of Julius Caesar Paper How Mark Anthony manipulates the crowd after the death of Julius Caesar Paper Essay Topic: Julius Caesar Shakespeares play Julius Caesar is a play which elucidates many themes such as ambition, jealousy, tragedy, honour and integrity. It was written between the period 1597 and 1600 AD. The play is based upon actual events which took place in Rome over two millenniums ago. At the beginning of the play Shakespeare illustrates how Julius Caesar, following a successful campaign, returns to Rome and is offered the crown. He further explains that Cassius, a senior member of the senate, fearing for the republic, heads a conspiracy to murder Caesar. As the play continues, Cassius manages to invite many to aid his cause amongst whom was Brutus, a high-ranked member of the senate. The outcome of the conspiracy led to the death of Caesar in the capitol whilst the latter was totally unaware of the conspiracy. Following the death of Caesar, Brutus confronts the citizens of Rome and explains to them how his involvement in the conspiracy was for a pure and sincere intention and not to commit a cruel act of injustice. The aftermath of this speech was the consolation of the public and their total appreciation of this noble act. Concluding his speech, Brutus attempting to fully reassure the crowd, requested Mark Anthony to add a few words in appreciation of what he had just done. Anthony was a close companion of Caesar so his approval of the conspiracy would be very valuable in proving to the public the righteousness of the act. However Anthony, either for his own benefit or for justice, spoke against the conspiracy. This speech was highly effective and probably the turning point of the entire play. It was the reason for war and the reason for vengeance being taken. Anthonys powerful speech confines the true essence of politics and how orating influences are greater than any physical appliances or mannerisms to deter a people. During the following essay I shall attempt to analyse how Anthonys speech was influential and how he found it easier to appeal to emotion rather than reasoning to manipulate the citizens. Anthonys speech was a lot more subtle that that of Brutus. He uses more indirect methods to manipulate the crowd. He was able to read the mood of the audience whilst he was addressing them. He also paused three times during his speech, causing suspense, which consequently added to the drama that he wanted to create. In addition he even lied and pretended just so that he could gain the interests of his audience. Anthonys tone of speech varied as he spoke. This can be observed from the different attitudes portrayed in the manner in which he spoke. By varying his tone of voice, Anthony would be able to gain the interest of his audience, whereas if it were monotonous, the speech would sound boring. The opening few words of a speech are always important in drawing the attention of the audience. Anthony addresses the citizens as Friends, Romans, countrymen (Act 3: Scene 2) in contrast to Brutus who addressed them as Romans, countrymen and lovers. This variance, although slight, shows a major contrast in the attitudes of Brutus and Anthony. Brutus clearly demonstrates that his love for Rome is greater than any affection of an individual or close relation. Even in his statement Not that I lovd Caser less but that I lovd Rome more. (Act 3: Scene 2) it is evident of his keenness in the development of Rome over any prejudice feeling which would oppose a peaceful and blissful future in Rome. On the contrary, Mark Anthony firstly appeals to those who have close relationship with him and then mentions the Romans and countrymen who are insignificant in comparison to those whom are loved and revered. This is a clause leading to his true intention to establish that emotions and intimacy should be considered before the betterment of the state. So Anthony, in reality, is trying to appeal to the emotions of the crowd rather than, like Brutus, appeal to the love of the crowd for Rome and their home. Immediately after receiving the attention of the crowd, Anthony, carefully considering the mood of the audience, claims I come to bury Caesar not to praise him (Act 3: Scene 2). The public, after listening to Brutus, were fully reassured by the virtue of Caesars death. Furthermore the crowd, as one plebeian confirmed, felt that speaking ill of Brutus would be inappropriate and would initiate the audiences wrath and displeasure. Anthony understood this and therefore decided to take a more subtle approach in degrading Brutus and his conspiracy. As the speech progresses Anthony repetitively mentions the nobility and honour of Brutus and those that assisted him in the murder of Caesar. However Anthonys true intent was not to dignify Brutus and the other conspirators, rather to debase them. Anthony does this by making honour appear as a deterrent to seeing the good actions of an individual. He mentions honour alongside the killing of a man who brought many captives home, hath wept and thrice refused the crown. This technique that Anthony used was very effective as can be observed from the proclamation of one of the plebeians that They were traitors: honourable men? Then, after mentioning the virtues of Caesar, Anthony condemns the belief of anybody who said that Caesar was ambitious because Ambition should be made of sterner stuff (Act 3: Scene 2). Also the rhetorical question was this ambition? is very effective because Caesars greatness was just mentioned and by seeing Caesar in a bias way, as Anthony portrayed him, it becomes obvious that Caesar would not be ambitious. Thereafter appealing again to the sympathy of the crowd Anthony states Bear with me, my heart is in the coffin there with Caesar, and I must pause till it come back to me. By saying this Anthony demonstrates to the crowd how he was greatly moved by Caesars demise. The audience would obviously think highly of Anthony because, unlike Brutus, Anthony has feelings which are for him unbearable to suppress. The crowds appreciation of this quality of Anthony can be further observed by a plebeians claim that Poor soul, his eyes are red as fire with weeping (Act 3: Scene 2). In addition some of the assertions made by the plebeians indicate their approval of what he had to say, for instance one of them said Methinks he has much reasoning in his saying (Act 3: Scene 2). Later Anthony turns the speech onto a fabricated will. This will was a deceitful lie which the crowd were instantly attracted to and eager to hear their share. This lie demonstrates how fickle the crowd are because they are now more willing to believe in Anthonys integrity. They did not pause to reflect whether the will is genuine or not as this may lead to doubts which will consequently lead to the will not being read out and therefore no one being the recipient of the seventy five drachmas promised. At first, Anthony does not read to them the will even after the constant pleas of the crowd. This is indicative of the fact that he only fabricated the will as bait because he wanted to hold them in suspense and keep them enthralled in whatever he had to say. He asks the crowd Will you be patient? Will you stay awhile? He does this in order to calm the crowd so that he could gain their attention. Furthermore Anthony remarks I fear I wrong the honourable men whose dagger have stabbed Caesar: I do fear it Anthony pretends to feel guilty. This makes the crowd trust him more because they feel that he is innocence and is speaking for justice and not for power. Shortly afterwards Anthony explains why he doesnt read the will straightaway. He says You are not wood, you are not stone but men: and being men hearing the will of Caesar, it will inflame you. Here Anthony, very cleverly, flatters the crowd. The reason why these words are so effective is because of its contradiction to those words of Marullus, who at the beginning of the play addressed the citizens as You blocks, you stones, you worse than senseless things (Act 1: Scene 1), referring to their fickleness and stupidity. By saying this, Anthony gains the trust and affection of his audience. With Caesars body at his side, Anthony affectionately explains to the crowd You all do know this mantle, I remember the first time ever Caesar put it on, twas on a summers evening in his tent. (Act 3: Scene 2) By saying this again Anthony would seem like a very sensitive and caring man, which everybody adores. Another notable way in which Anthony gets the trust of the audience is by showing that he knew the most intricate details of the incident. He says Look in this place ran Cassius dagger through: see what a rent the envious Casca made: through this the well beloved Brutus stabbed. By pretending he knows the order in which Caesar was stabbed, Anthony would be confident that he has the trust of his audience because the crowd would think that he knows all the facts and thus is in a better position to make a judgement. Furthermore Anthony refers to Brutus as being beloved and Caesars angel, which would make the audience feel great animosity towards Brutus, who although so dear to Caesar, betrayed him. From this, it can be understood clearly that Anthony is appealing to the emotions of the citizens and not logical reasoning to rebel against the conspirators. To show his innocence and his pure intention to stand for justice, Anthony claims I am no orator as Brutus is; but a plain blunt man I have neither writ nor words, nor worth, action, nor utterance, nor the power of speech, to stir mens blood. (Act 3: Scene ) Judging from this, the crowd may have deduced that Anthony is more reliable than Brutus because his speech was directly from the heart and not because he had the power of speech as did Brutus. He would also appear as an innocent man who wishes nothing except justice to prevail. Moreover the citizens would feel as though Anthony is not a member of the senate, nor involved in politics but one of them. This gives them an added sense of empathy towards Anthony, because if he is accepted as one of them, they would think of him as a friend who just wants sympathy rather than a senior member of the senate who would need to be treated with respect and honour. Concluding his mutiny against Brutus and the others who conspired against Caesar, Anthony says And bid them speak to me: but were I Brutus, and Brutus Anthony, there were an Anthony would ruffle up your spirits, and put a tongue in every wound of Caesar, that should move the stones of Rome, to rise and mutiny. (Act 3: Scene 2). By saying this, Anthony is able to give the crowd a final hint of encouragement to rise and mutiny. Unlike the way he began his speech, by glorify the conspirators; he ends it by mentioning their wickedness and evilness. He tells them that if he had the consciousness of Brutus, he would curse Caesar only for power, due to lustful greed and passion. Again Anthonys innocence would be authenticated because he compares himself to the wickedness of Marcus Brutus. The people of Rome were extremely fickle and easily manipulated. They did not understand the world of politics and how much power they held as citizens of Rome. However there were members of the senate who had great political acumen. They possessed superb understanding of politics. They could very easily influence and change the hearts of an entire nation. Although Mark Anthony was not considered as one of them, after the death of Caesar, Anthonys insight in the field of politics was recognised. He managed to, very cleverly, manipulate the crowd into believing that the murder of Caesar was an immoral act of injustice and the conspirators only acted out of jealousy and envy for Caesars power. Mark Anthonys speech highlights the fickleness of human beings and how they are easily swayed by the eloquence of speech. The techniques used by Mark Anthony are still being displayed today by contemporary politicians. These techniques are highly effective as Shakespeare shows in Julius Caesar.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Netflix Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Netflix - Essay Example What Type Of Competitive Advantage Is Netflix Trying To Achieve? Being the largest online movie rental in the world, Netflix is trying to increase the number of clientele to more than 6.3 million that will be able to access more than 70,000 DVD titles. They are also expanding their markets throughout United States by having a cheaper physical presence than their competition, as well as a good customer base for the same. Their other advantage was differentiation where they delivered and charged their movies differently from their main competitors (Netflix, Inc., 2012). Though the strategy could only work for short term basis, it was trying before they came up with other ideas. The strategy made them dominate the markets, and they got loyal customers who still subscribed to them even after few changes were made. Netflix also invested in a unique design referred to personalization that further differentiated their services and helped maintain most of their customers. This design helped Netflix strengthen their relationship with their customers in var ious ways especially by giving them smarter services than other competitors. Question 2 How Strong Are The Competitive Forces In The Movie Rental Marketplace? Competitive forces in the movie market world are not very strong at the moment because there are only three competitors, Redbox, Netflix and Blockbuster. Majority of the people around the world prefer recording movies from their televisions, or prefer watching movies from sites where subscription is not required or watch them online giving most of the movie renters to shut down. This leaves few competitors who have been in the business long enough to know what is required to still have people using their services on a daily basis. They ensure that for every lost client, there is a new one by introducing various strategy of beating the competition and keeping up with technology. Providing best qualities of movies, as well as the latest DVDS has made the three renters stay in business. Knowing the needs of customers is key to success and the three companies have endeavored to know the requirements of thei r customers and endeavored to provide all their needs. Do Five-Force Analysis To Support Your Answer? By using Porters five forces analysis which includes: rivalry, from research there not much competition in the movie rental world with competitors being; any local vendors, Blockbuster, Netflix and Redbox. Secondly there is the threat of substitutes where it can only be websites that allow people to watch movies online for free. Satellite companies and cables allow people to pay the required fee and watch anything they want from the comfort of their homes (Netflix, Inc., 2012). The third force is the buyer power where it indicates that it is up to the buyer to make a choice of whether they want to rent a certain movie or not and if they have the capability to do so. If they chose not to rent any films there is nothing the renters can do about it. Supplier power is another force which indicates that the more films they have the more power they get over their competition. The last for ce is the barriers to entry where specific rental
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Triaxial Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Triaxial - Lab Report Example The clisp studio was then set up followed by completing the Pressurising Triaxial Cell checklist. The test stages were then made to run. After completing the stages, the test was terminated using the Clip Studio. The next procedure was completing the Draining Triaxial Cell checklist. The end point was the mohr cicle, for each of the sampled, the angle of shearing resistance of the soil and the apparent cohesion Introduction The triaxial shear test is a method that is commonly used in measuring the mechanical properties of deformable solids such as rock, granular materials, powder, and soil (Byrne 34). For loose granular material such as gravel or sand, the material is often contained in cylindrical latex sleeve with platen closing off the bottom and top ends (Byrne 25). Such as cylinder is immersed in a water bath or any other fluid, which provides pressure along the cylinder sides. Then the top platen is mechanically driven along the cylinder axis with a view to squeeze the material . Generally, there are a number of variations on the test. Although the term triaxial tends to suggest that stresses may be different in 3 directions, this may not be true. In this test with water or oil as a confining medium, confining pressures are all equal in all the directions. This means that for a compressed test, in principle stresses, for compression test, ?1 ? ?2 = ?3, while for tensile test, ?1 = ?2 ? ?3) (Chen 32). Therefore, it is only in true triaxial test that the stresses in all directions (?1 ? ?2 ? ?3) can be different. The distance travelled by the upper platen is then measure as a function of force needed to push it while the pressure of the water surrounding it is carefully controlled (Chen 24). For cohesive materials such as rock, and clay, the test is quite similar to that of loose granular materials (Ferrari 56). However, the test for cohesive materials takes more time than the test for loose materials. For testing of rocks, the sleeve is always a thin metal sheet rather than latex. It is rare to perform a triaxial testing on a rock because the high pressures and forces has to break the rock sample. This is makes it cumbersome and costly.This experiment was focused on undrained triaxial compression test (Ferrari 44). The aim of this lab experiment was to determine the undrained shear strength of soil using triaxial compression test. Procedure The sample was extruded from a tube and trimmed to size with the diameter of the soil as 38mm and its leagth of 76mm. The sample was sleeved with a rubber membrane. The sample was placed on the pedestal at the botton side of the seal and cell using a rubber ring. The loading cap was then placed at the top of a sample and sealed with rubber ring. The top drainage tube was then secured. The cell was mounted over the sample and filled according to the flooding Triaxial cell checklist. The clisp studio was then set up followed by completing the Pressurising Triaxial Cell checklist. The test stages were then made to run. After completing the stages, the test was terminated using the Clip Studio. The next procedure was completing the Draining Triaxial Cell checklist. Results In this lab experiment, the moisture content were calculated as shown in table 1 Table 1: Moisture content Container No. 1 2 3 4 Mass of wet soil + container (m2) g 75.4 48.2 N/A N/A Mass of dry soil + container (m3) g 63.2 42.0 N/A N/A Mass container (m1) g 5.2 5.4 N/A N/A Mass of moisture
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Home Building Industry in the United States Essay
Home Building Industry in the United States - Essay Example Housing is globally recognized as productive sector of the economy rather than a form of welfare, because "housing and economic development are closely linked" and it acts as an instrument to improve the GDP. (Housing for Economic Development, 2005). Because a healthy housing stock provides safety for employees, taxes for state and local governments, and more customers for retail and service business, house building industry helps state and regional economy to flourish. Every individual aspire to own individual dwelling unit and buying a home is a major life event. Major life events such as marriage, birth of a child, changes in employment, or retirement particularly influence the decision to purchase a house though mortgage rates, income and expected returns on investment also motivate their decision to invest in residential property. Young adults in the population constitute primary source for home buying and when there is upward trend to housing prices these first-time buyers will be more attracted to enter into homeownership under the notion that rising prices will make future purchases unaffordable. Housing is an important basic need and focus of social concern and should be viewed as one of the key elements of social policy. Some of the U.S markets may not have sufficient housing supply to accommodate the influx of new residents, while the state and local governments may lack the resources to provide supportive services. The ability of Americ a's working immigrant families to obtain decent and affordable housing has implications for the social and economic well-being of the United States. Studies found that there is a direct proportionality between housing price and homeownership, establishing that "housing market's volatility is amplified by buyers' responses to the trends in market fundamentals." (Myers & Ryu, 2008, P.17-33). Housing market provides "mechanism for equity growth, liquidity and financial flexibility for individual households, while also providing relatively safe, productive investments for institutions through secondary mortgage markets." (Housing for Economic Development, 2005). "Housing shortages have historically gone hand-in-hand with rising housing prices and rents, higher housing cost burden, lower homeownership rates, increased crowding, and longer commutes." (Landis, 2000). It is admitted that State's economy is one of the chief determinants of producing more housing units, because when the economy goes into recession housing demand falls quickly and deeply. "Economic recovery revitalizes the housing market, though expansionary peaks rarely even out the recessionary troughs." (Landis, 2000) According to Professor Michael E. Porter of Harvard Business School, "the only reliable test of economic value is sustained profitability, measured by superiority in long-term return on investment" and "industry structure is a key driver of homebuilder profitability". However, he asserts that "market assessments of homebuilding stocks appear to be out of line with other industries that have similar structural characteristics." (Porter, 2003). "The conduct of monetary policy by the Federal Reserve has profound impacts on the housing sector and its contribution to the overall economy" as reducing inflationary
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Shakespeare and His Tyrants Essay Example for Free
Shakespeare and His Tyrants Essay Do you know who any of these people are? Adolf Hitler, Saddam Hussein, Muammar al-Gaddafi or Osama Bin Laden? These men used their authority who exercised power oppressively or despotically. They are defined as tyrants. But even during William Shakespeare’s time there were similar men who terrorised countries. Shakespeare portrays tyrants so that they will always suffer the consequences for their terrible deeds. The most famous of his tyrants are Richard III and Macbeth. In his tragedy Macbeth the main character Macbeth was once a thane (a low-ranking nobleman) and a hero but a prophecy creates a powerful ambition within him for power which leads him to follow a dark path. He ascends the throne by murdering the king and also killed anyone who threatened to take him off the throne. His impending doom loomed over him when a man named Macduff fought Macbeth to avenge the death of his loved ones (who were killed under Macbeth’s order). Macbeth was beheaded in the fight. He was a doomed man at the start. He was prophesised to die at the hands of another man and this shows that tyrants will always suffer in the end. In popular culture tyrants similar to Macbeth are portrayed in remakes of plays, films and video games. A tyrant who was similar is Ulfric Stormcloak from Bethesda Game Studio’s game Skyrim. Ulfric Stormcloak was a Jarl (a chieftain) of the former capital of Skyrim. After learning ancient powers, he abused the knowledge by murdering the High King to take the throne. A war is waged to stop Ulfric. In the end Ulfric Stormcloak is beheaded in a siege on his fortress. This is very similar to Macbeth’s story because both of them are misled by their ambition for power which supports that Shakespeare has influenced the tyrants of popular culture. Richard III in the play of the same name is depicted as being deformed, self-absorbed and wanting nothing more than to gain power. His split personality developed his character. However his undoing and death occurred during a final duel with Richmond (later known as Henry VII of England) at the Battle of Bosworth Field. A tyrant comparable to Richard III is Queen Clementianna in the Snow White remake â€Å"Mirror Mirror†. The Queen is a very beautiful woman but she was narcissistic and cruel to her people. She believed that she was the rightful ruler of the land and orders the murder of Snow White (her step-daughter) which ultimately fails. The Queen talks in her spare time with her own mind (which is the mirror) except it is a much more wiser and younger version of herself. In the end she is foiled by Snow White and suffers her consequences for using dark powers against the King. She is transformed into a witch-like figure and Snow White rescues her long-lost father. Both of these tyrannical people are alike as they are both self-absorbed and deformed in many ways. They never have their happily ever after ending, lose their titles and are hushed away or killed (in Richard III’s case). This shows that tyrants always pay for their crimes. Unfortunately a small number of tyrants never suffer for the atrocious acts that they commit. This is outrageous as the wicked and selfish men and women of our society should suffer for their crimes. Shakespeare’s influence ranges from many popular topics such as love and violence but his portrayal of tyrants is cunningly similar to those of modern day culture. Would he have known that his view on tyrants was never going to change throughout the course of history? Who knows? But we will always know that tyrants were similar in both eras. Being a tyrant will lead to their own demise.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Taylors and Fayols Principles of Management
Taylors and Fayols Principles of Management Question A In 1909, Taylor introduced The Principles of Scientific Management. In this theory, he proposed that by optimizing and simplifying jobs, productivity would increase. Taylor also believe that all workers were motivated by wages, so he published the idea of fair payment with a fair work. In other words, if a worker didnt complete their task, he didnt deserve to be paid as much as another worker who was highly productive. Taylor is a mechanical engineer, he tried to improve industrial efficiency. Taylor is considered as the father of scientific management, he was the first well-known management consultant and director of the company. This theory is just a slight way, because it applies only to the factory. Majority of this theory is on between workers and machines. Taylors scientific management consisted of four principles: First â€Å"They developed a science for each element of a persons work, the rule of thumb is to replace the old way.†This principle tell us that the manager needs to simple habit and general knowledge, and instead use the scientific approach to study work and determine the most efficient way to complete specific tasks. Second †They scientifically select and then train, teach, and develop workers, while in the past, he chose his own work and training the best he can.†We can understand this theory as not simply random work is assigned to employees, based on matching workers skills and enthusiasm for work, and develop their work at maximum efficiency. Thirdly they heartily cooperate with the men so as to ensure all of the work being done in accordance with the principles of the science which has been developed. This principle shows that the manager needs to supervise staff performance, and provide direction and oversight to ensure that the most effective way to use on their work. Fourth. â€Å"There is a work of almost equal division of responsibilities between management and workers. Management to take over all the work, they are better fit than the workers, and in the past, almost all of the work and responsibility, most men were thrown out by the.†Assignments between management and workers, the manger spend time planning and training, make sure that employees re able to perform their complete their duties with their maximum effectively. Initially, the cause of science and technology project management is used. This is due to the fact that, Taylor, its inventor, is concerned that these industries. But then operate the technology attracted the attention of other businesses as well. Principles of scientific management can be applied to all types of organizations, including both men and materials to carry out effective management. Scientific management techniques can be used by all economic and social organizations can effectively use. We can conclude that the scope of scientific management is very wide and that is why Taylor himself emphasised that â€Å"the same principle can be applied with equal force to all social activities to the management of our homes; the management of the business of our tradesmen, large and small, of our churches, of our philanthropic institutions, our Universities and our Governmental departments.†Under the Taylor’s theory, it has both advantage and disadvantage. The advantages of this theory is that the conditions of management are clearly defined, cause of the managers job become more easier. Secondly this theory will improve the efficiency of the employees. On the other hand, Taylor’s theory also have disadvantage which are this theory is comparing the performance with each other, it will lead to discontented. Secondly this theory without considering the needs and requirements of the employees, to treat them as machines. Question B Henri Fayol was born in Istanbul in 1841 when he was 19 years old, he started as an engineer at a major mining company in France. He eventually became a director, but this time the mining company employs over 1000 people in the time. Over the years, he began to develop Fayol considered the 14 most important principle management. Essentially, it explains how managers should organize and interact with staff. Fayol was developed 14 principles of management in order to help managers manage their affairs more effectively. Today, these principles are still use but are often interpreted differently. These fourteen principles include: Division of work- when employees are more professional, output can be increased caused by their increasingly skilled and high efficiency. Delegation of Authority- Managers must have the right to give orders, but they also must keep in mind, and authority from responsibility. Discipline- Discipline must adhere to the organization, but the situation may different. Chain of commands- Employees should have one and only one direct supervisor but one manager may have many employers. Congenial workplace- Team has the same target should work under the guidance of a manager by planning. This will ensure proper coordination of movement. Interrelation between individual interests and common organizational goals- A benefit of employees should not be allowed to become more important than the group, includes the management staff. Compensation package- Employee satisfaction depends on everyone equitable remuneration. This includes financial and non-financial compensation. Centralization- This principle refers to the closeness of the staff of the decision making process. Its goal is to provide an appropriate balance is very important. Scalar chains- employees should know that their standing levels of the organization, or the command Order- Workplace and facilities must be keep cleaning, tidy and safe employees. Everything should have its own position. Equity- Managers should be fair to staff at all times, both maintaining discipline as necessary and acting with kindness where appropriate. Job Guarantee- managers should strive to reduce staff turnover. Talent planning should be a priority. Initiatives- Employees should be given the necessary level of freedom, establishment and implementation plans. Team-Spirit- Organizations should strive to promote team spirit and solidarity. In additional, Fayol also has six primary functions of management, which go hand in hand with the Principles, which are Forecasting. Planning, Organizing, Commanding, Coordinating, And Controlling. Fayor is the father of management principles, because he set up the principle of modern management. It has a macro point of view, focusing on management, applicable to the basic principles of management in various fields. The Fayol’s philosophy has advantages. First, in addition to workers division of work, work should be divided, so that workers specializing in a particular job, but also improve the work efficiency. Secondly, there should be a balance of power and responsibilities between management and workers. In addition, he stressed that all staff fairness, kindness and justice organizations. By the action, it promotes a friendly atmosphere between superiors and subordinates. Material is disposed of ideas that he came all should be properly placed, and where everything should be. Loyalty and dedication to the members of solidarity organizations. If employees are loyal, dedicated their time to improve the organizations management also will be looking for afters so their employees welfare and well-being. However, there are some shortcomings in Fayol theory. The drawback is that he is divided into six categories are divided into five business activities and management functions and implement these features into fourteen principles. Another is that when it comes to equity, where workers receive fair and kind to work has become a regular. It also did not pay enough attention to workers. Managers ordered material without consulting staff responsible for this work. Without proper consultation is doing. Some theorists call this inconsistency, very open policy, lack of organization to use. Question C Both of two person have contributed to the development of management science. In these two pioneers in the field of management science contributions were reviewed for Taylor and Fayol manage theory job, of course, especially complementary. They have achieved a key staff and management at all levels of the problem is personal success, whether it is the application of scientific methods to this problem, Taylors work is mainly from the operational level, from the bottom up, while Fayol focused on the general manager and work down, but they are very different careers, a kind of expression. They are different from each other in the following aspects: Taylor looked at the management, from a regulatory point of view and trying to improve the management level of efficiency. He developed the theory of moving upwards. On the other hand, Fayol senior management level down analysis and management. Therefore, Fayol can afford a wider field of vision than Taylor. Taylor said his concept of scient ific management, while Fayol describes his method is the general theory of management. Taylors main purpose to improve labor productivity and eliminate all types of waste through standardization work and tools. Fayol trying to develop a general theory of management, and stressed the need for teaching management theory. Taylor to focus on the fact that the attention of management and his principles are applicable to the workshop. But Fayol general principles of centralized management and administration wheel can also apply at all. Similar both emphasize mutual cooperation between employment and employees. Areas of human activity Fayol theory compare to Taylor’s theory more widely used, but Taylors concept has undergone great changes in the impact of modern development, but the principles of management Fayol withstood the test of time and still be accepted as management theory core. According to psychologists, Taylors research has the following disadvantages: Ignore the human factor think they are machines. Ignoring the demands of humanity, hopes and aspirations. Separation of planning and doing. Dissatisfaction compare performance with others. Not the best way to solve the problem of scientific management is not an optimal way. REFERENCES
Friday, October 25, 2019
Laura Briggs Reproducing Empire: Race, Sex, Science, and U.S. Imperial
Laura Briggs' Reproducing Empire: Race, Sex, Science, and U.S. Imperialism in Puerto Rico In Reproducing Empire, Laura Briggs provides her readers with a very thorough history of the mainland U.S. and Puerto Rican discourses and its authors surrounding Puerto Rico and Puerto Ricans, from Puerto Rico's formation in the mainland elite's "mind" as a model U.S. (not) colony in 1898* to its present status as semi-autonomous U.S. territory. Briggs opens her book by discussing the origins of globalization in U.S. and western European colonialism, and closes with a review of her methods, in which she calls for a new focus on subaltern studies, including a (re)focus on the authors of information (who she claims as the subjects of this book) as a lens through which to circumvent the "neglect and obsessive interest†¦in the service of the imperial project in Puerto Rico" (207). Briggs identifies herself in her epilogue- "I am a US. Anglo whose ties to the island are only love and a relentless sense that that just as the history of the island is inescapably tied to the mainland, so the mainland's history is reciprocally tied to the island" (206). Briggs notes that there is an active history of dissociation of Puerto Rico as part of the U.S., and that to speak only of Puerto Ricans in Puerto Rico as true Puerto Ricans, or to construct Puerto Rico as economically unconnected to the U.S. is a misconception, which has been historically employed to blame Puerto Rico for the U.S.' subordination of it. Briggs' records Puerto Rico's history as a "model," "testing site," or "laboratory' for U.S. colonial rule, centering on the ways in which this has functioned in relation to or through (control of) Puerto Rican working class women an... ... note that island organizations that supported birth control for other reasons often utilized funding from these larger foundations. *****While Briggs condemns the stance of most radical to conservative mainland organizations in terms of the sterilization/anti-sterilization debate, she notes at length the ways in which a variety of Puerto Rican activists, such as the Young Lords, circumvented the racist culture of poverty arguments and the dominant tendency to deny agency to their subjects in their political activism outside of this debate. Her judgments on the subject of engagement with a culture of poverty argument are complex, as are the usefulness of deciding what activism is better from her perspective as an academic outsider. I will return to this in terms of the potential usefulness of the intersections between internal and (external?) colonial theory.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Lockie Leonard Proflie Essay
Lockie Leonard is 13 year old boy but he turns 14 in the book. He lives in a small town called Angelus with his family of 5, his dad’s name is Sarge and his mum’s name is Joy, he has a little brother and sister named Phillip and Blob. Blob is just a todler who can not walk or talk yet, Phillip thinks heis a mad scientist and likes to check girls out â€Å"A note from the teacher saying that he was obsessed with sex†p. 184, and he also still wets the bed and he is 11 years old. His best friend is Egg but he moved away, but they still talk by letters. Lockie is in love with Viki Streeton, according to him she is the hottest girl in school. His mum was depressed and crying all the timeand no one had any idea what was going on especially Lockie, Lockie was very troubled by this he was confused. Joy used to do all the things around thehouse like clean, wash and cook dinner but after she left Lockie had do all these jobs. In doing all these jobs and doing them well and his mum being sick Lockie and Sarge grew closer in there relationship in trusting each and talking to each other. After a while in hospital his mum was gradually getting better, Lockie went to talk to her every day because he missed her and wanted to make sure she was alright. Eventually she got out and she was felling great and had never felt better so Lockie’s life was back to normal, his mum was alright and his relationship with his dad was great and him and Viki had sort of started things again so it was going perfect.
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